• 2022-05-29 问题

    ________ was turned into a bear by the jealousy Hera and finally was made into a constellation by Zeus. A: Io B: Callisto C: Semele D: Europa

    ________ was turned into a bear by the jealousy Hera and finally was made into a constellation by Zeus. A: Io B: Callisto C: Semele D: Europa

  • 2022-05-29 问题

    ________, one of Zeus’ mortal lovers, wanted to see the true form of Zeus, but was stricken by the flame to death. A: Io B: Callisto C: Semele D: Europa

    ________, one of Zeus’ mortal lovers, wanted to see the true form of Zeus, but was stricken by the flame to death. A: Io B: Callisto C: Semele D: Europa

  • 2022-05-27 问题

    关于木星的四颗伽利略卫星说法错误的是?() A: 木卫四Callisto是伽利略卫星中唯一的一颗非同步自转卫星。 B: 木卫一Io表面的火山活动非常剧烈。 C: 木卫二Europa冰冻的外壳下很可能存在着液态海洋。 D: 木卫三Ganymede是太阳系中体积最大的卫星。

    关于木星的四颗伽利略卫星说法错误的是?() A: 木卫四Callisto是伽利略卫星中唯一的一颗非同步自转卫星。 B: 木卫一Io表面的火山活动非常剧烈。 C: 木卫二Europa冰冻的外壳下很可能存在着液态海洋。 D: 木卫三Ganymede是太阳系中体积最大的卫星。

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