• 2021-04-14 问题

    If Mr. Murray has made a reservation,you can ask him

    If Mr. Murray has made a reservation,you can ask him

  • 2021-04-14 问题

    What can be known about Liz Murray's family background?

    What can be known about Liz Murray's family background?

  • 2022-06-07 问题

    2.Chris Murray A: The new aspects of graffiti are what make this art popular. B: Graffiti has shown people a new form and aspect of art.

    2.Chris Murray A: The new aspects of graffiti are what make this art popular. B: Graffiti has shown people a new form and aspect of art.

  • 2022-06-04 问题

    最早对成就动机进行探索的心理学家是( ) A: 莫瑞(Murray) B: 麦克利兰德(D.C.Mcclelland) C: 班杜拉(A.Bandura) D: 马斯洛(A.Maslow)

    最早对成就动机进行探索的心理学家是( ) A: 莫瑞(Murray) B: 麦克利兰德(D.C.Mcclelland) C: 班杜拉(A.Bandura) D: 马斯洛(A.Maslow)

  • 2022-05-29 问题

    ( )是客体关系理论与儿童精神分析学派的主要奠基者,其理论关注于儿童与其内部和外部客体的联系。 A: Klein B: Henry•Murray C: Allport D: Erikson

    ( )是客体关系理论与儿童精神分析学派的主要奠基者,其理论关注于儿童与其内部和外部客体的联系。 A: Klein B: Henry•Murray C: Allport D: Erikson

  • 2022-06-06 问题

    ACM(美国计算机协会)设立的奖项中,被誉为计算机界"诺贝尔奖"的是哪个?() A: B:  Turing Award C: Computer Pioneer Award D: Software System Award E: Grace Murray Hopper Award

    ACM(美国计算机协会)设立的奖项中,被誉为计算机界"诺贝尔奖"的是哪个?() A: B:  Turing Award C: Computer Pioneer Award D: Software System Award E: Grace Murray Hopper Award

  • 2022-06-06 问题

    What did Mercy Warren, Abigail Adams, and Judith Sargeant Murray have in common A: They all wrote books. B: They were all responsible for the financial support of their families. C: They were all interested in women's accomplishments. D: They all had influential families.

    What did Mercy Warren, Abigail Adams, and Judith Sargeant Murray have in common A: They all wrote books. B: They were all responsible for the financial support of their families. C: They were all interested in women's accomplishments. D: They all had influential families.

  • 2022-06-09 问题

    关于莫瑞(Murray)需要理论的说法,正确的是()。 A: 需要影响知觉但不影响思维 B: 需要之间相互独立 C: 生理性需要源自童年经验 D: 需要有不同的阶段

    关于莫瑞(Murray)需要理论的说法,正确的是()。 A: 需要影响知觉但不影响思维 B: 需要之间相互独立 C: 生理性需要源自童年经验 D: 需要有不同的阶段

  • 2022-06-06 问题

    Judith Sargeant Murray's position can be best expressed by______. A: women should be well educated in order to support themselves B: women's rights must be protected by new laws C: the accomplishments of women are ignored in most historical documents D: women need to become more active in political affairs

    Judith Sargeant Murray's position can be best expressed by______. A: women should be well educated in order to support themselves B: women's rights must be protected by new laws C: the accomplishments of women are ignored in most historical documents D: women need to become more active in political affairs

  • 2021-04-14 问题

    In 1911 Mansfield met John Middleton Murray, a Socialist (社会学家)and former literary critic(前文学评论家), who was first a tenant in her flat(公寓租客), then her lover. Mansfield co-edited (共同编辑)and contributed to a series of journals(期刊). In 1918 Mansfield divorced (离婚)her first husband and married John Murray. In the same year she was found to have __________. (选填tuberculosis 肺痨,pneumonia 肺炎)

    In 1911 Mansfield met John Middleton Murray, a Socialist (社会学家)and former literary critic(前文学评论家), who was first a tenant in her flat(公寓租客), then her lover. Mansfield co-edited (共同编辑)and contributed to a series of journals(期刊). In 1918 Mansfield divorced (离婚)her first husband and married John Murray. In the same year she was found to have __________. (选填tuberculosis 肺痨,pneumonia 肺炎)

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