Which of the following actions or devices can restore or rconstruct a discrete-time signal into a continuous-time signal by interpolation method? ( ) A: Anti-aliasing B: A/D converter C: Anti-image D: D/A converter
Which of the following actions or devices can restore or rconstruct a discrete-time signal into a continuous-time signal by interpolation method? ( ) A: Anti-aliasing B: A/D converter C: Anti-image D: D/A converter
CT图像处理时,要使用那个处理方法学来进行CT三维结构呈现?( ) A: Volume rendering(体积渲染) B: Surface rendering(表面积渲染) C: Segmentation(图像分割) D: Interpolation(内插)
CT图像处理时,要使用那个处理方法学来进行CT三维结构呈现?( ) A: Volume rendering(体积渲染) B: Surface rendering(表面积渲染) C: Segmentation(图像分割) D: Interpolation(内插)
图像配准中不一定会用到的是 A: 图像插值(Interpolation) B: 确定图像间的相似性测度(Similarity metric) C: 迭代进行最优化(Optimization) D: 图像二值化
图像配准中不一定会用到的是 A: 图像插值(Interpolation) B: 确定图像间的相似性测度(Similarity metric) C: 迭代进行最优化(Optimization) D: 图像二值化
In the engineering field, if only some discrete sample points in a continuous region are measured, the most appropriate method to obtain more values in the interval of sample points is ( ). A: the method of solving equations B: the method of data interpolation C: an experiment or test method D: the method of manual estimation
In the engineering field, if only some discrete sample points in a continuous region are measured, the most appropriate method to obtain more values in the interval of sample points is ( ). A: the method of solving equations B: the method of data interpolation C: an experiment or test method D: the method of manual estimation
After Effects 为遮罩制作形状动画后,使用下列哪个命令可以方便的提高动画精度? A: 调节 Mask Feather B: 修改 Mask Opacity C: 应用 Smart Mask Interpolation D: 设置 Mask Expansion
After Effects 为遮罩制作形状动画后,使用下列哪个命令可以方便的提高动画精度? A: 调节 Mask Feather B: 修改 Mask Opacity C: 应用 Smart Mask Interpolation D: 设置 Mask Expansion