When compiling the program for lexical analysis, it can not( ) A: filter comments in the source program. B: scan the source program and recognize the mark. C: point<br/>out the error line number. D: detect<br/>misspelled reserved words (keywords)
When compiling the program for lexical analysis, it can not( ) A: filter comments in the source program. B: scan the source program and recognize the mark. C: point<br/>out the error line number. D: detect<br/>misspelled reserved words (keywords)
With a fuzzy search you can find... A: only terms that contain more than one word, e.g. 'color cartridge'. B: terms you have misspelled in your search or a transposed form of the term in your search. C: fuzzy matches in a translation memory. D: all terms that contain a particular string.
With a fuzzy search you can find... A: only terms that contain more than one word, e.g. 'color cartridge'. B: terms you have misspelled in your search or a transposed form of the term in your search. C: fuzzy matches in a translation memory. D: all terms that contain a particular string.