According to Laozi naturalness is not __________?
According to Laozi naturalness is not __________?
Which of the following statement about naturalness is incorrect according to Laozi?
Which of the following statement about naturalness is incorrect according to Laozi?
Laozi’sphilosophyincludestheideaof__________. A: Naturalness B: Non-action C: Non-contention D: ReturningtoaNewbornState
Laozi’sphilosophyincludestheideaof__________. A: Naturalness B: Non-action C: Non-contention D: ReturningtoaNewbornState
According to Laozi, naturalness refers to a natural state of being, an attitude of following the way of nature. ( )
According to Laozi, naturalness refers to a natural state of being, an attitude of following the way of nature. ( )
Which of the following are components of a thriving friendship?( ) A: honesty B: naturalness C: thoughtfulness D: common interests
Which of the following are components of a thriving friendship?( ) A: honesty B: naturalness C: thoughtfulness D: common interests
Confucian political ideas emphasized ___________________________. ( ) A: Naturalness B: Rule of a benevolent sovereign C: Order D: Hierarchy
Confucian political ideas emphasized ___________________________. ( ) A: Naturalness B: Rule of a benevolent sovereign C: Order D: Hierarchy
What is not the concepts of Taoism?( ) A: Returning to a newborn state B: Human beings are born into suffering C: Naturalness D: Non-action
What is not the concepts of Taoism?( ) A: Returning to a newborn state B: Human beings are born into suffering C: Naturalness D: Non-action
Which one of the following does not belong to the key concept in Chinese Taoism?( ) A: Naturalness B: Wuwei C: Restraining Desires D: Benevolence and righteousness.
Which one of the following does not belong to the key concept in Chinese Taoism?( ) A: Naturalness B: Wuwei C: Restraining Desires D: Benevolence and righteousness.
Recentscholarshiphasquestionedthe(i)_____oftropicalforestsaroundtheworld.Archaeologistshaveshown,forexample,thatthelargestcontiguoustractofwhatwasthoughttobevirginrainforestinthesouthernAmazonhadbeentransformedintoaculturalparklandbeforeEuropeancontact,andmanyoftheforestislandsinWestAfrica’ssavannaforesttransitionzoneare(ii)_____aswell. A: diversity B: naturalness C: sustainabilityii. D: isolated E: endangered F: anthropogenic
Recentscholarshiphasquestionedthe(i)_____oftropicalforestsaroundtheworld.Archaeologistshaveshown,forexample,thatthelargestcontiguoustractofwhatwasthoughttobevirginrainforestinthesouthernAmazonhadbeentransformedintoaculturalparklandbeforeEuropeancontact,andmanyoftheforestislandsinWestAfrica’ssavannaforesttransitionzoneare(ii)_____aswell. A: diversity B: naturalness C: sustainabilityii. D: isolated E: endangered F: anthropogenic
Which of the following conflicts with Laozi’s thought? A: Everyone should receive education. B: People should be kept thinking simply, as naïve as a baby. C: People should put stress on naturalness and intuition. D: The best society is a primitive one.
Which of the following conflicts with Laozi’s thought? A: Everyone should receive education. B: People should be kept thinking simply, as naïve as a baby. C: People should put stress on naturalness and intuition. D: The best society is a primitive one.