• 2022-06-05 问题

    Why the father often blames his children for not being able to entertain themselves

    Why the father often blames his children for not being able to entertain themselves

  • 2022-06-05 问题

    The father often blames his children for not being able to entertain themselves. This is unfair because they ______.

    The father often blames his children for not being able to entertain themselves. This is unfair because they ______.

  • 2022-06-06 问题

    The angry mother didn’’t know who ______for the broken glass. A: will blame B: to blame C: to be blamed D: blames

    The angry mother didn’’t know who ______for the broken glass. A: will blame B: to blame C: to be blamed D: blames

  • 2021-04-14 问题

    中国大学MOOC: When a parent blames a child for being stupid, this kind of ______ abuse would create a sense that the child isnt wanted in the family.

    中国大学MOOC: When a parent blames a child for being stupid, this kind of ______ abuse would create a sense that the child isnt wanted in the family.

  • 2022-05-31 问题

    The milkman blames God for being unfair because_________. A: he doesn’t believe in God himself B: he fails to see the root of the situation C: nobody can be blamed for the washwoman’s death D: he is sympathetic for the suffering of the poor woman

    The milkman blames God for being unfair because_________. A: he doesn’t believe in God himself B: he fails to see the root of the situation C: nobody can be blamed for the washwoman’s death D: he is sympathetic for the suffering of the poor woman

  • 2022-06-11 问题

    He who blames one to his face is a hero, but he who backbites is a coward. 未知类型:{'label': 'questionDesc', 'content': '请为下列句子选择恰当的译文。', 'isMemberControl': 0, 'type': 181} A: 不读书的人,思想就会停止。 B: 当面责人是英雄,背后中伤是懦夫。 C: 是所有人的朋友,对谁也不是朋友。

    He who blames one to his face is a hero, but he who backbites is a coward. 未知类型:{'label': 'questionDesc', 'content': '请为下列句子选择恰当的译文。', 'isMemberControl': 0, 'type': 181} A: 不读书的人,思想就会停止。 B: 当面责人是英雄,背后中伤是懦夫。 C: 是所有人的朋友,对谁也不是朋友。

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