• 2022-07-29 问题

    下列哪个选项表达了Marianne对自然之美的感叹? A: strange and uncouth B: unites beauty with utility C: full of rocks and promontories grey moss and brush wood D: out of sight

    下列哪个选项表达了Marianne对自然之美的感叹? A: strange and uncouth B: unites beauty with utility C: full of rocks and promontories grey moss and brush wood D: out of sight

  • 2022-07-29 问题

    下面哪一组词是上位词和下位词的关系? A: steep & bold B: fine & picturesque C: uncouth & rugged D: beauty with utility &full of rocks and promontories

    下面哪一组词是上位词和下位词的关系? A: steep & bold B: fine & picturesque C: uncouth & rugged D: beauty with utility &full of rocks and promontories

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