The box is full. please _____ it. A: empty B: sharpen C: fill D: full
The box is full. please _____ it. A: empty B: sharpen C: fill D: full
This is a greatopportunity to_____ their understanding of each other. A: deepen B: sharpen C: brighten D: determinedly
This is a greatopportunity to_____ their understanding of each other. A: deepen B: sharpen C: brighten D: determinedly
You must _____ these knives. They are very blunt. A: sharp B: sharpen C: sharping D: sharply
You must _____ these knives. They are very blunt. A: sharp B: sharpen C: sharping D: sharply
He was asked to ______the pencil for the little boy. A: sharp B: sharped C: sharping D: sharpen
He was asked to ______the pencil for the little boy. A: sharp B: sharped C: sharping D: sharpen
You may leave the jelly in a cool place to ______ it. A: harden B: soften C: sharpen D: strengthen
You may leave the jelly in a cool place to ______ it. A: harden B: soften C: sharpen D: strengthen
Exposuretosustainednoisehasbeenclaimedto_____bloodpressureregulationinhumanbeingsand,particularly,toincreasehypertension,eventhoughsomeresearchershaveobtainedinconclusiveresultsthat_____therelationship. A: sharpen B: increase C: impairii. D: buttress E: obscure F: neutralize
Exposuretosustainednoisehasbeenclaimedto_____bloodpressureregulationinhumanbeingsand,particularly,toincreasehypertension,eventhoughsomeresearchershaveobtainedinconclusiveresultsthat_____therelationship. A: sharpen B: increase C: impairii. D: buttress E: obscure F: neutralize
如果一张照片的扫描结果不够清晰,可用下列哪种CorelPainterIX的哪种滤镜(Effect)或图像修饰画笔(Photo)来弥补() A: 锐化(sharpen) B: 锐化修饰画笔(sharpen) C: 景深(DepthofField) D: 亮度/对比度(Brightness/Contrast)
如果一张照片的扫描结果不够清晰,可用下列哪种CorelPainterIX的哪种滤镜(Effect)或图像修饰画笔(Photo)来弥补() A: 锐化(sharpen) B: 锐化修饰画笔(sharpen) C: 景深(DepthofField) D: 亮度/对比度(Brightness/Contrast)
His personal influence will _______ the way that we work and develop the organization in the future. A: shelte B: sharpen C: shadow D: shape
His personal influence will _______ the way that we work and develop the organization in the future. A: shelte B: sharpen C: shadow D: shape
以下哪些特效可用来实现图像的模糊?() A: CCRadialBlur B: ChannelBlur C: SmartBlur D: Sharpen
以下哪些特效可用来实现图像的模糊?() A: CCRadialBlur B: ChannelBlur C: SmartBlur D: Sharpen
下面有关模糊工具(Blur Tool)和锐化工具(Sharpen Tool)的使用描述不正确的是
下面有关模糊工具(Blur Tool)和锐化工具(Sharpen Tool)的使用描述不正确的是