• 2022-06-06 问题

    Listen & fill in the blanks. A: Sam, I want to talk with you 1 .B:What position shall I be playing, Mr. Harris? You know, John& Dick both 2 . Neither of them can play,perhaps. May IplayJohn's orDick'sposition?A: But I wasthinking... , you know, the game is a bit distance this time. It is in London. So I 3 .Itmay be very difficult for youto...B: There is no problem here, Mr Harris. I mean distance is no problem for me.A: But the London team is a bit strong. Besides; we have lost the last three games. 4 . Weare thinking of 5 this time.B: Oh, no! You know, I not only practice very hard, but also play very well in games.A: Let's be frank; Sam. We know that you played as hard as anyone on the team, but both you andDick 6 . Well, if you and Dick can be dropped this time,we may give both ofyou another chance sometime...B: Oh, no... 7 , Mr. Harris.. You eitherhave me play the forwardor lose thegame, to be frank with you.A:Well, 8 , hope you understand... I’m sorry, Sam.

    Listen & fill in the blanks. A: Sam, I want to talk with you 1 .B:What position shall I be playing, Mr. Harris? You know, John& Dick both 2 . Neither of them can play,perhaps. May IplayJohn's orDick'sposition?A: But I wasthinking... , you know, the game is a bit distance this time. It is in London. So I 3 .Itmay be very difficult for youto...B: There is no problem here, Mr Harris. I mean distance is no problem for me.A: But the London team is a bit strong. Besides; we have lost the last three games. 4 . Weare thinking of 5 this time.B: Oh, no! You know, I not only practice very hard, but also play very well in games.A: Let's be frank; Sam. We know that you played as hard as anyone on the team, but both you andDick 6 . Well, if you and Dick can be dropped this time,we may give both ofyou another chance sometime...B: Oh, no... 7 , Mr. Harris.. You eitherhave me play the forwardor lose thegame, to be frank with you.A:Well, 8 , hope you understand... I’m sorry, Sam.

  • 2021-04-14 问题

    选择合适的词并以正确形式填空. A.avoid B.categorize C.commit D.conversation E.generalize F.involve G.intelligent H.issue I.ponder J.program K.swerve L.specific 1. Most smartphonesare _______to count the steps we take every day. 2. You may notbelieve, but elephants are extremely_______animals just like dogs. 3. Will a youngperson under 18 years old be punished by law for______ a crime? 4. The deer ranvery fast and _______ just in time to escape from the lion running after it. 5. It isimpossible to carry on a _______ with all this noise in the background. 6. We have waitedfor too long, so let’s settle the _______ here and now. 7. It is unfair to______ from these two accidents and say that all women are bad drivers. 8. Peter didn’t _______ the possible consequences (后果) too long before making his decision. 9. Workers shouldbe given very _______ instructions if you want them to do their jobs well. 10. This house wasbuilt over 200 years ago and has thus been _______ as a cultural relic (遗迹). 11. The little boy_______ his father’s punishment by running away as quickly aspossible. 12. Winning thegame _______ both skill and a strong will not to give up.

    选择合适的词并以正确形式填空. A.avoid B.categorize C.commit D.conversation E.generalize F.involve G.intelligent H.issue I.ponder J.program K.swerve L.specific 1. Most smartphonesare _______to count the steps we take every day. 2. You may notbelieve, but elephants are extremely_______animals just like dogs. 3. Will a youngperson under 18 years old be punished by law for______ a crime? 4. The deer ranvery fast and _______ just in time to escape from the lion running after it. 5. It isimpossible to carry on a _______ with all this noise in the background. 6. We have waitedfor too long, so let’s settle the _______ here and now. 7. It is unfair to______ from these two accidents and say that all women are bad drivers. 8. Peter didn’t _______ the possible consequences (后果) too long before making his decision. 9. Workers shouldbe given very _______ instructions if you want them to do their jobs well. 10. This house wasbuilt over 200 years ago and has thus been _______ as a cultural relic (遗迹). 11. The little boy_______ his father’s punishment by running away as quickly aspossible. 12. Winning thegame _______ both skill and a strong will not to give up.

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