“Just do it” is the advertisement for Nike.
“Just do it” is the advertisement for Nike.
Tom is ___taller than Nike. A: very B: much C: as D: rather
Tom is ___taller than Nike. A: very B: much C: as D: rather
Skim the Text for the main ideas and fill in the blanks with the key words given in the box. Nike________ ①started Nike in 1985.At that time, the brandwas calledBlue _______ ②.Nike is namedafter the ③.Today, Nike mainly producesshoes and _______ ④.Nike is popular because it is used by ________⑤such as Michael Jordan.
Skim the Text for the main ideas and fill in the blanks with the key words given in the box. Nike________ ①started Nike in 1985.At that time, the brandwas calledBlue _______ ②.Nike is namedafter the ③.Today, Nike mainly producesshoes and _______ ④.Nike is popular because it is used by ________⑤such as Michael Jordan.
Nike’s price is higher than most of its competitors. Which of the following may help to improve the weaknesses of Nike?
Nike’s price is higher than most of its competitors. Which of the following may help to improve the weaknesses of Nike?
The nike name of King Edward was ().
The nike name of King Edward was ().
Which statements are ture about Nike?
Which statements are ture about Nike?
please pronounce the brand name. Nike, Adidas
please pronounce the brand name. Nike, Adidas
2. NIKE商标品牌命名源自
2. NIKE商标品牌命名源自