Herring body
Herring body
Herring body 含有( )
Herring body 含有( )
Herring body含有 (1分) A: 卵泡刺激素 B: 抗利尿激素 C: 黄体生成素 D: 促甲状腺激素 E: 生长激素
Herring body含有 (1分) A: 卵泡刺激素 B: 抗利尿激素 C: 黄体生成素 D: 促甲状腺激素 E: 生长激素
推不出谬误源于拉丁语( )。 A: non sequitu B: Post hoc, ergo propter hoc C: ed herring D: argumentum ad ignorantiam
推不出谬误源于拉丁语( )。 A: non sequitu B: Post hoc, ergo propter hoc C: ed herring D: argumentum ad ignorantiam
He learns swimming very fast, so he is a fast learner in French, too. It is a fallacy of _______. A: post hoc B: red herring C: faulty analogy D: hasty generalization
He learns swimming very fast, so he is a fast learner in French, too. It is a fallacy of _______. A: post hoc B: red herring C: faulty analogy D: hasty generalization
Identify the logical fallacy. My classmate says her college history class is difficult. It happens that mine is also difficult. Then all college history classes are hard to learn. A: Personal attack B: False analogy C: Hasty generalization D: Red herring
Identify the logical fallacy. My classmate says her college history class is difficult. It happens that mine is also difficult. Then all college history classes are hard to learn. A: Personal attack B: False analogy C: Hasty generalization D: Red herring
Please identify the logical fallacy:My classmate says her college history class is difficult. It happens that mine is also difficult. Then all college history classes are hard to learn. A: Personal attack B: False analogy C: Hasty generalization D: Red herring
Please identify the logical fallacy:My classmate says her college history class is difficult. It happens that mine is also difficult. Then all college history classes are hard to learn. A: Personal attack B: False analogy C: Hasty generalization D: Red herring
Which fallacy is involved in the statement? Lots of people bought this album, so it must be good. A: Hasty generalization (草率概括) B: Slippery slopes(滑坡谬误) C: Red herring / irrelevant to the central issue (转移话题) D: Bandwagon fallacy (从众谬误)
Which fallacy is involved in the statement? Lots of people bought this album, so it must be good. A: Hasty generalization (草率概括) B: Slippery slopes(滑坡谬误) C: Red herring / irrelevant to the central issue (转移话题) D: Bandwagon fallacy (从众谬误)
Which fallacy is involved in the statement?Don’t listen to Eddie’s arguments on education. He’s an idiot. A: Ad Hominem / against the man (人身攻击) B: Slippery slopes(滑坡谬误) C: Red herring / irrelevant to the central issue (转移话题) D: Bandwagon fallacy (从众谬误)
Which fallacy is involved in the statement?Don’t listen to Eddie’s arguments on education. He’s an idiot. A: Ad Hominem / against the man (人身攻击) B: Slippery slopes(滑坡谬误) C: Red herring / irrelevant to the central issue (转移话题) D: Bandwagon fallacy (从众谬误)
”McDonald's and KFC offer foods with little nutrition, and thus we cannot expect any fast food restaurant to provide us with nutritious foods. ”Here the logical fallacy is A: 无关转移 (Red Herring) B: 过度概化 (Hasty Generalization) C: 虚假假设 (Hypothesis Contrary to Fact) D: 因果颠倒 (Post Hoc)
”McDonald's and KFC offer foods with little nutrition, and thus we cannot expect any fast food restaurant to provide us with nutritious foods. ”Here the logical fallacy is A: 无关转移 (Red Herring) B: 过度概化 (Hasty Generalization) C: 虚假假设 (Hypothesis Contrary to Fact) D: 因果颠倒 (Post Hoc)