A 32-year-old pregnant woman at 30 weeks of gestation comes to her physician because of excess weight gain in a 2-week period. Ultraso-nography reveals polyhydramnios.Which fetal abnormality is most likely responsible for the polyhydramnios? A: Bilateral kidney agenesis B: Velamentous placenta C: Hypoplastic lungs D: Esophageal atresia
A 32-year-old pregnant woman at 30 weeks of gestation comes to her physician because of excess weight gain in a 2-week period. Ultraso-nography reveals polyhydramnios.Which fetal abnormality is most likely responsible for the polyhydramnios? A: Bilateral kidney agenesis B: Velamentous placenta C: Hypoplastic lungs D: Esophageal atresia
A 32-year-old pregnant woman at 30 weeks of gestation comes to her physician because of excess weight gain in a 2-week period. Ultraso-nography reveals polyhydramnios. Which fetal abnormality is most likely responsible for the polyhydramnios?() A: Bilateral<br/>kidney agenesis B: Umbilical<br/>cord knots C: Velamentous<br/>placenta D: Hypoplastic<br/>lungs E: Esophageal<br/>atresia
A 32-year-old pregnant woman at 30 weeks of gestation comes to her physician because of excess weight gain in a 2-week period. Ultraso-nography reveals polyhydramnios. Which fetal abnormality is most likely responsible for the polyhydramnios?() A: Bilateral<br/>kidney agenesis B: Umbilical<br/>cord knots C: Velamentous<br/>placenta D: Hypoplastic<br/>lungs E: Esophageal<br/>atresia