• 2022-06-03
    A 32-year-old pregnant woman at 30 weeks of gestation comes to her physician because of excess weight gain in a 2-week period. Ultraso-nography reveals polyhydramnios. Which fetal abnormality is most likely responsible for the polyhydramnios?()
    A: Bilateral
    kidney agenesis
    B: Umbilical
    cord knots
    C: Velamentous
    D: Hypoplastic
    E: Esophageal
  • E


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      Which<br/>period does William Shakespeare belong to? ____ A: Anglo-Saxon<br/>period B: Norman<br/>Period C: Elizabethan<br/>Period D: Restoration<br/>Period

    • 1

      Which<br/>of the following did Mary buy for her grandparents this year? A: Yellow<br/>oranges. B: Dark<br/>red grapefruit. C: White<br/>grapefruit. D: Star<br/>grapefruit.

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      Which of the following is not the cause of fetal distress. A: severe maternal circulatory disorder B: abnormal umbilical cord C: allergic reaction D: placenta previa

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      A 21 year old presents to your office after injuring her knee in a<br/>soccer game. She states that the knee clicks when she walks and has<br/>“locked” on several occasions. On exam there is an<br/>effusion and the knee is grossly stable. The most likely diagnosis is<br/>( ) A: Anterior cruciate ligament tear B: Meniscal tear C: Osteoarthritis D: Bursitis E: Medial collateral ligament tear

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      Heather began her modeling career ( ) A: because<br/>her mother liked the idea B: because<br/>she lost her leg unexpectedly C: because<br/>her brother cheated her D: because<br/>she was very beautiful