• 2021-04-14 问题

    l What is coronavirus? This is a very large outbreak. This is Dr. Bill Schaffner, I’m an [1] isease specialist and public health person. Coronaviruses are a whole family of viruses. For the most part, they don’t cause any real clinical illness except the [2] . But you know, from time to time, there’s a rogue coronavirus that develops. We remember SARS 2002, 2003. And then there was another, the MERS virus, the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome virus. This new virus, like those other rogue viruses, probably was first [3] to humans from animals.

    l What is coronavirus? This is a very large outbreak. This is Dr. Bill Schaffner, I’m an [1] isease specialist and public health person. Coronaviruses are a whole family of viruses. For the most part, they don’t cause any real clinical illness except the [2] . But you know, from time to time, there’s a rogue coronavirus that develops. We remember SARS 2002, 2003. And then there was another, the MERS virus, the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome virus. This new virus, like those other rogue viruses, probably was first [3] to humans from animals.

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