• 2021-04-14 问题

    Vocabulary ExerciseFill in the blank in each of the following sentences with the proper form of the wordgiven. (用括号里的单词正确形式填空) 1.Leo could sense his daughter’s __________ (frustrate) at not being able to help with thecost of buying a house. 2. How do you manage to work in this __________ (swelter) heat without air conditioning? 3. The president was __________ (applause) for a full five minutes after his after-dinner speech. 4. Mark reckons over sixty people were there, but I think that is a slight __________(exaggerate). 5. Many children have become __________ (emotion) disturbed as a result of the abuse they have suffered. 6. Their associate has absolutely no __________ (conceive) of how a successful business should run. 7. The competitor did not want a repeat __________ (perform) of the humiliating defeat he had suffered. 8. The statesman maintains that all non-violent __________ (religion) and political beliefs should be respected equally. 9. Most of our employees work in New York, the __________ (remain) are in London. 10. __________ (current), antique oriental rugs are enjoying a wave of worldwide prosperity.

    Vocabulary ExerciseFill in the blank in each of the following sentences with the proper form of the wordgiven. (用括号里的单词正确形式填空) 1.Leo could sense his daughter’s __________ (frustrate) at not being able to help with thecost of buying a house. 2. How do you manage to work in this __________ (swelter) heat without air conditioning? 3. The president was __________ (applause) for a full five minutes after his after-dinner speech. 4. Mark reckons over sixty people were there, but I think that is a slight __________(exaggerate). 5. Many children have become __________ (emotion) disturbed as a result of the abuse they have suffered. 6. Their associate has absolutely no __________ (conceive) of how a successful business should run. 7. The competitor did not want a repeat __________ (perform) of the humiliating defeat he had suffered. 8. The statesman maintains that all non-violent __________ (religion) and political beliefs should be respected equally. 9. Most of our employees work in New York, the __________ (remain) are in London. 10. __________ (current), antique oriental rugs are enjoying a wave of worldwide prosperity.

  • 2021-04-14 问题

    Vocabulary ExerciseFill in the blanks in the following sentences with the words chosen from the box. Changethe forms where necessary.(注意词形变化) sponsor approximately reflect temporarily donateprofit generous trait dual investment 1. Unless they can find a _______, they will be forced to retire from athletics. 2. If these suggestions are followed, we should be able to save _______ $26 000 in thecoming year in salaries alone. 3. The United States court system, as part of the federal system of government, is characterized by _______ hierarchies: both state and federal courts. 4. The returns in the short term may be small, but over a number of years the _______ will bewell repaid. 5. For the developing countries, using the land is a means to ______ avoid worsening povertyand starvation. 6. John makes me want to do things for him because of his ______ nature. 7. The study found that some alcoholics had clear personality ______ showing up in earlychildhood. 8. We want a future for the next generation which will ______ the highest ideals for which wehave labored. 9. Kamen has persuaded some large companies to ______ money and engineers to work withthe young people. 10. This report found that the leading concern of young farmers was earning a ______.

    Vocabulary ExerciseFill in the blanks in the following sentences with the words chosen from the box. Changethe forms where necessary.(注意词形变化) sponsor approximately reflect temporarily donateprofit generous trait dual investment 1. Unless they can find a _______, they will be forced to retire from athletics. 2. If these suggestions are followed, we should be able to save _______ $26 000 in thecoming year in salaries alone. 3. The United States court system, as part of the federal system of government, is characterized by _______ hierarchies: both state and federal courts. 4. The returns in the short term may be small, but over a number of years the _______ will bewell repaid. 5. For the developing countries, using the land is a means to ______ avoid worsening povertyand starvation. 6. John makes me want to do things for him because of his ______ nature. 7. The study found that some alcoholics had clear personality ______ showing up in earlychildhood. 8. We want a future for the next generation which will ______ the highest ideals for which wehave labored. 9. Kamen has persuaded some large companies to ______ money and engineers to work withthe young people. 10. This report found that the leading concern of young farmers was earning a ______.

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