"The Waste Land" is written by T. S. Eliot in which the theme of the ( ) of the post-World War I generation is declared to the reader. A: enlightenment B: dream C: radicalism D: disillusionment
"The Waste Land" is written by T. S. Eliot in which the theme of the ( ) of the post-World War I generation is declared to the reader. A: enlightenment B: dream C: radicalism D: disillusionment
下列导语“Now we were in a Clash of Civilizations, with ‘rational Islam’ replacing fascism and Soviet communism as the west’s global enemy” (Source: Global Politics in the Decade of Radicalism, the Guardian Oct.17, 2009)属于哪一种类型?
下列导语“Now we were in a Clash of Civilizations, with ‘rational Islam’ replacing fascism and Soviet communism as the west’s global enemy” (Source: Global Politics in the Decade of Radicalism, the Guardian Oct.17, 2009)属于哪一种类型?