• 2021-04-14 问题

    Infectious bacteria can use amyloid fibers to help form the biofilms that allow them to colonize host tissues.

    Infectious bacteria can use amyloid fibers to help form the biofilms that allow them to colonize host tissues.

  • 2022-05-29 问题

    The correct descriptions about prion are A: It is a normal component of mammalian brain cells. B: The secondary structure is rich in α-helices. C: The prions with structural variations can aggregate with each other to form amyloid fiber precipitation. D: The prions are viruses containing nucleic acids.

    The correct descriptions about prion are A: It is a normal component of mammalian brain cells. B: The secondary structure is rich in α-helices. C: The prions with structural variations can aggregate with each other to form amyloid fiber precipitation. D: The prions are viruses containing nucleic acids.

  • 2022-06-15 问题

    关于阿兹海默症的叙述下列何者错误?( ) A: 女性得病的机率较男性高 B: 致病原因不是异常乙型类淀粉蛋白 (ß-amyloid) 与神经纤维结节增生 C: 患者海马回与颞叶内侧体积有萎缩现象 D: 具有家族遗传性 E: 神经退化性疾病是不可逆的

    关于阿兹海默症的叙述下列何者错误?( ) A: 女性得病的机率较男性高 B: 致病原因不是异常乙型类淀粉蛋白 (ß-amyloid) 与神经纤维结节增生 C: 患者海马回与颞叶内侧体积有萎缩现象 D: 具有家族遗传性 E: 神经退化性疾病是不可逆的

  • 2022-06-11 问题

    A 40-year-old woman has noted enlargement of her anterior neck region over the past 8 months. On physical examination her vital signs include T 36.8°C, P 64/minute, RR 16/minute, and BP 155/105 mm Hg. There is diffuse, symmetrical thyroid enlargement without tenderness. A chest radiograph is normal. Fine needle aspiration of the thyroid yields cells consistent with a neoplasm. Laboratory studies show that she is euthyroid, but her serum ionized calcium is elevated. She is taken to surgery and frozen sections of several thyroid masses show a malignant neoplasm composed of polygonal cells in nests. A thyroidectomy is performed. Immunostaining for calcitonin of the permanent sections is positive, and the neoplasm has an amyloid stroma with Congo red staining. Which of the following neoplasms is she most likely to have?( ) A: Anaplastic carcinoma B: Medullary carcinoma C: Papillary thyroid carcinoma D: Metastatic renal cell carcinoma E: Parathyroid carcinoma

    A 40-year-old woman has noted enlargement of her anterior neck region over the past 8 months. On physical examination her vital signs include T 36.8°C, P 64/minute, RR 16/minute, and BP 155/105 mm Hg. There is diffuse, symmetrical thyroid enlargement without tenderness. A chest radiograph is normal. Fine needle aspiration of the thyroid yields cells consistent with a neoplasm. Laboratory studies show that she is euthyroid, but her serum ionized calcium is elevated. She is taken to surgery and frozen sections of several thyroid masses show a malignant neoplasm composed of polygonal cells in nests. A thyroidectomy is performed. Immunostaining for calcitonin of the permanent sections is positive, and the neoplasm has an amyloid stroma with Congo red staining. Which of the following neoplasms is she most likely to have?( ) A: Anaplastic carcinoma B: Medullary carcinoma C: Papillary thyroid carcinoma D: Metastatic renal cell carcinoma E: Parathyroid carcinoma

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