She soon got used to the __________ of city life. A: bustle and bustle B: hustle and hustle C: hustle and bustle D: bustle and hustle
She soon got used to the __________ of city life. A: bustle and bustle B: hustle and hustle C: hustle and bustle D: bustle and hustle
What is good hustle about? [br][/br] Answer: Good hustle is about (空1). So one needs to incorporate other things in one's life that allow one to take a rest. Also, good hustle is about (空2) .
What is good hustle about? [br][/br] Answer: Good hustle is about (空1). So one needs to incorporate other things in one's life that allow one to take a rest. Also, good hustle is about (空2) .
The phrase "hustle and bustle" means “熙熙攘攘”in Chinese.
The phrase "hustle and bustle" means “熙熙攘攘”in Chinese.
They enjoy peace in _________and hate the hustle and bustle of modern life. A: attitude B: multiple C: multitude D: solitude
They enjoy peace in _________and hate the hustle and bustle of modern life. A: attitude B: multiple C: multitude D: solitude
It nibbled rapidly at the bread, then lowered its head and tried to _____me. A: butt B: hustle C: rescue D: trap
It nibbled rapidly at the bread, then lowered its head and tried to _____me. A: butt B: hustle C: rescue D: trap
We’ve got to ______ if we’re going to complete this in time. A: fasten B: strengthen C: hustle D: lengthen
We’ve got to ______ if we’re going to complete this in time. A: fasten B: strengthen C: hustle D: lengthen