• 2022-05-29 问题

    Seasoned backpackers are more likely to laugh to the last in a bad weather condition.

    Seasoned backpackers are more likely to laugh to the last in a bad weather condition.

  • 2022-05-30 问题

    How to translate “作料”in English? A: season B: seasonality C: seasoning D: seasoned

    How to translate “作料”in English? A: season B: seasonality C: seasoning D: seasoned

  • 2021-04-14 问题

    What’s the meaning of the underlined word in “Even seasoned speakers need to calm themselves down before they give a presentation”.

    What’s the meaning of the underlined word in “Even seasoned speakers need to calm themselves down before they give a presentation”.

  • 2022-06-11 问题

    章节测验-以下哪个表达的中文意思是清蒸? A: scalded B: steamed C: seasoned D: salted

    章节测验-以下哪个表达的中文意思是清蒸? A: scalded B: steamed C: seasoned D: salted

  • 2021-04-14 问题

    中国大学MOOC: In the line "Only a sweet and virtuous soul, /Like seasoned timber, never gives", the poet uses not only allusion but __________ to convey his idea.

    中国大学MOOC: In the line "Only a sweet and virtuous soul, /Like seasoned timber, never gives", the poet uses not only allusion but __________ to convey his idea.

  • 2022-05-31 问题

    Which one is the translation of “鱼香肉丝”? A: Shredded pork with garlic sauce B: Fish-flavored shredded pork C: Braised pork seasoned with soy sauce D: Shredded pork with pepper and salt

    Which one is the translation of “鱼香肉丝”? A: Shredded pork with garlic sauce B: Fish-flavored shredded pork C: Braised pork seasoned with soy sauce D: Shredded pork with pepper and salt

  • 2022-06-06 问题

    People generally believe that on-line trading is a practice of __________. A: seasoned investors B: people in a specific province C: relatively young people D: groups made up of 20 or 30 traders

    People generally believe that on-line trading is a practice of __________. A: seasoned investors B: people in a specific province C: relatively young people D: groups made up of 20 or 30 traders

  • 2021-04-14 问题

    原文:Chinese communities enjoy a worldwide reputation as the “kingdom of cuisine”. The exquisite Chinese culinary art, regarded indisputably as one of the world’s finest culinary traditions, has prevailed all over the world. Since China has a vast territory, and the products, climate and living habits are quite different in each place, the flavor of food is quite different: southerners like light food, northerners prefer a heavily seasoned taste, Sichuan people like hot food, Shanxi people like sour food and so on.译文:中国享有“_________”之美誉,精致的_________盛行全球。中国菜不但花样多,而且具有色、香、味、形俱佳的特点。由于中国地域________,各地的物产、气候和生活习惯不同,因此人们的口味也各不相同:南方人口味________,北方人口味较重,四川人喜欢吃辣,山西人__________

    原文:Chinese communities enjoy a worldwide reputation as the “kingdom of cuisine”. The exquisite Chinese culinary art, regarded indisputably as one of the world’s finest culinary traditions, has prevailed all over the world. Since China has a vast territory, and the products, climate and living habits are quite different in each place, the flavor of food is quite different: southerners like light food, northerners prefer a heavily seasoned taste, Sichuan people like hot food, Shanxi people like sour food and so on.译文:中国享有“_________”之美誉,精致的_________盛行全球。中国菜不但花样多,而且具有色、香、味、形俱佳的特点。由于中国地域________,各地的物产、气候和生活习惯不同,因此人们的口味也各不相同:南方人口味________,北方人口味较重,四川人喜欢吃辣,山西人__________

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