Propranolol (普萘洛尔) belongs to A: α receptor antagonist B: α receptor agonist C: β receptor antagonist D: β receptor agonist
Propranolol (普萘洛尔) belongs to A: α receptor antagonist B: α receptor agonist C: β receptor antagonist D: β receptor agonist
Propranolol is a A: M3 receptor agonist B: α receptor agonist C: β receptor antagonist D: α receptor antagonist E: NM receptor antagonist
Propranolol is a A: M3 receptor agonist B: α receptor agonist C: β receptor antagonist D: α receptor antagonist E: NM receptor antagonist
A drug combine with the receptors and show its effects, the drug is called A: partial agonist B: agonist C: noncompetitive antagonist D: competitive antagonist E: blocker
A drug combine with the receptors and show its effects, the drug is called A: partial agonist B: agonist C: noncompetitive antagonist D: competitive antagonist E: blocker
The concentration or dose at which drugs produce equivalent effects is called A: efficacy B: potency C: excitation D: inhibition E: agonist
The concentration or dose at which drugs produce equivalent effects is called A: efficacy B: potency C: excitation D: inhibition E: agonist
Tachycardia is more common observed in phentolamine than prazosin because the former A: has some M-agonist action B: has some β1-agonist action C: blocks postsynaptic α₂-receptors D: blocks presynaptic α₂-receptors E: stimulates heart directly
Tachycardia is more common observed in phentolamine than prazosin because the former A: has some M-agonist action B: has some β1-agonist action C: blocks postsynaptic α₂-receptors D: blocks presynaptic α₂-receptors E: stimulates heart directly
Propranolol is A: effective in the treatment of supraventricular arrhythmias B: effective in all angina pectoris cases by increasing the O2 supply C: lowers the blood pressure by reducing the renin synthesis D: cardioselective and having a partial agonist activity
Propranolol is A: effective in the treatment of supraventricular arrhythmias B: effective in all angina pectoris cases by increasing the O2 supply C: lowers the blood pressure by reducing the renin synthesis D: cardioselective and having a partial agonist activity
以下不能将变量m清零的表达式是( )。: m=m&0/#/m=m&~m/#/m=m^m/#/m=m|m
以下不能将变量m清零的表达式是( )。: m=m&0/#/m=m&~m/#/m=m^m/#/m=m|m
<img src="" />? ×、m、×、×、×、M|×、M、m、×、×、×|×、m、×、×、M、×|×、×、m、×、×、M
<img src="" />? ×、m、×、×、×、M|×、M、m、×、×、×|×、m、×、×、M、×|×、×、m、×、×、M
对于报文M若找到M’使_____,即找到碰撞能够构成对哈希函数H的攻击。( ) A: M=M且H(M’)=H(M) B: M’≠M且H(M’) ≠H(M) C: M’≠M但H(M’)=H(M) D: M’=M但H(M’) ≠H(M)
对于报文M若找到M’使_____,即找到碰撞能够构成对哈希函数H的攻击。( ) A: M=M且H(M’)=H(M) B: M’≠M且H(M’) ≠H(M) C: M’≠M但H(M’)=H(M) D: M’=M但H(M’) ≠H(M)
若找到_____即找到碰撞能够构成对哈希的攻击() A: M’=M且H(M’)=H(M) B: M’≠M且H(M’) ≠H(M) C: M’≠M但H(M’)=H(M) D: M’=M但H(M’) ≠H(M)
若找到_____即找到碰撞能够构成对哈希的攻击() A: M’=M且H(M’)=H(M) B: M’≠M且H(M’) ≠H(M) C: M’≠M但H(M’)=H(M) D: M’=M但H(M’) ≠H(M)