• 2022-06-15
    Tachycardia is more common observed in phentolamine than prazosin because the former
    A: has some M-agonist action
    B: has some β1-agonist action
    C: blocks postsynaptic α₂-receptors
    D: blocks presynaptic α₂-receptors
    E: stimulates heart directly
  • D


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      Mike has some experience with computers because ________.

    • 1

      Both phentolamine and prazosin A: are competitive antagonist at α1 adrenergic receptors B: have potent direct vasoconstrictor actions on vascular smooth muscle C: enhance gastric acid secretion through a histamine -like effect D: cause hypotension and bradycardia E: are used chronically for the treatment of primary hypertension

    • 2

      It is common practice __________ a battery when it still has some life in it .

    • 3

      The air inside .a house on office building often has more contaminants()the heavily polluted air outside. A: than does B: as C: as some that are D: than that of

    • 4

      It is common practice a battery when it still has some life in it.