• 2021-04-14 问题

    Supposeaconsumerhaspreferencesovertwogoods,XandY,whichareperfectsubstitutes.Inparticular,twounitsofXisequivalenttooneunitofY.IfthepriceofXis$1,thepriceofYis$3,andtheconsumerhas$30ofincometoallocatetothesetwogoods,howmuchofeachgoodshouldtheconsumerpurchasetomaximizesatisfaction?? 0;units;of;X;and;10;units;of;Y|15;units;of;X;and;5;units;of;Y|15;units;of;X;and;0;units;of;Y|30;units;of;X;and;0;units;of;Y

    Supposeaconsumerhaspreferencesovertwogoods,XandY,whichareperfectsubstitutes.Inparticular,twounitsofXisequivalenttooneunitofY.IfthepriceofXis$1,thepriceofYis$3,andtheconsumerhas$30ofincometoallocatetothesetwogoods,howmuchofeachgoodshouldtheconsumerpurchasetomaximizesatisfaction?? 0;units;of;X;and;10;units;of;Y|15;units;of;X;and;5;units;of;Y|15;units;of;X;and;0;units;of;Y|30;units;of;X;and;0;units;of;Y

  • 2022-06-06 问题

    The buyer offers_______ for _______. A: 50; 30,000 units B: 40; 3,000 units C: 50; 3,000 units D: 40; 30,000 units

    The buyer offers_______ for _______. A: 50; 30,000 units B: 40; 3,000 units C: 50; 3,000 units D: 40; 30,000 units

  • 2022-06-09 问题

    The basic units of DNA are ____. The basic units of RNA are ____.

    The basic units of DNA are ____. The basic units of RNA are ____.

  • 2022-06-07 问题

    17e0ab4f0f532d2.pngRefer to Figure. With trade, Uganda will A: export 11 units of coffee. B: export 5 units of coffee. C: import 15 units of coffee. D: import 6 units of coffee.

    17e0ab4f0f532d2.pngRefer to Figure. With trade, Uganda will A: export 11 units of coffee. B: export 5 units of coffee. C: import 15 units of coffee. D: import 6 units of coffee.

  • 2022-05-31 问题

    Fillin the blanks with the most appropriate words or phrases.Anarchitectural drawing or an architect's drawing is ________________________.

    Fillin the blanks with the most appropriate words or phrases.Anarchitectural drawing or an architect's drawing is ________________________.

  • 2022-05-28 问题

    The boy ____(draw) a picture now. A: is drawing B: are drawing C: draws D: drew

    The boy ____(draw) a picture now. A: is drawing B: are drawing C: draws D: drew

  • 2022-06-06 问题

    The engine is controlled and monitored via the ECS, this platform encompasses following integrated units:<br/>______. I. the engine interface control units () <br/>II. engine control units ()<br/>III. auxiliary control units () IV. A: I+II+III+IV B: I+II+IV+V C: I+II+III+V D: II+III+IV+V E: cylinder control units (CCU)

    The engine is controlled and monitored via the ECS, this platform encompasses following integrated units:<br/>______. I. the engine interface control units () <br/>II. engine control units ()<br/>III. auxiliary control units () IV. A: I+II+III+IV B: I+II+IV+V C: I+II+III+V D: II+III+IV+V E: cylinder control units (CCU)

  • 2021-04-14 问题

    _______ are the smallest meaningful units forming discourse, also the smallest distinguishable units in terms of grammar.

    _______ are the smallest meaningful units forming discourse, also the smallest distinguishable units in terms of grammar.

  • 2021-04-14 问题

    construction drawing

    construction drawing

  • 2022-05-27 问题

    Standard deviation is calculated in the same units as the original measurements, while variance is calculated in units squared.

    Standard deviation is calculated in the same units as the original measurements, while variance is calculated in units squared.

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