Which sentence structure is more emphatic? A: Coordination B: Subordination
Which sentence structure is more emphatic? A: Coordination B: Subordination
Subordination is the use of a subordinator in joining two clauses to make a simple sentence.
Subordination is the use of a subordinator in joining two clauses to make a simple sentence.
Which of the following is not a component for an effective outline? A: Parallelism B: Cooperation C: Subordination D: Division
Which of the following is not a component for an effective outline? A: Parallelism B: Cooperation C: Subordination D: Division
To make our subordination logically realize the relationship between clauses we must carefully choose subordinators.
To make our subordination logically realize the relationship between clauses we must carefully choose subordinators.
How to avoid translationese? ( ) A: to shift between coordination and subordination B: to employ four-word phrases C: to change the word order D: to turn the “long”into the “short”.
How to avoid translationese? ( ) A: to shift between coordination and subordination B: to employ four-word phrases C: to change the word order D: to turn the “long”into the “short”.
Coordination joins two independent clauses of equal importance, whereas subordination joins two independent clauses or ideas in a way that makes one more important than the other.
Coordination joins two independent clauses of equal importance, whereas subordination joins two independent clauses or ideas in a way that makes one more important than the other.
James Cunningham is evaluating the factors that influence issue ratings. He has identified and described two factors which he has summarized below:Factor 1: The higher the senior unsecured ranking, the lower the notching adjustment will be.Factor 2: In the case of structural subordination, debt of the parent holding company is serviced before that of operating subsidiaries.Cunningham is most likely correct with respect to: A: factor 1 only. B: factor 2 only. C: both of the factors.
James Cunningham is evaluating the factors that influence issue ratings. He has identified and described two factors which he has summarized below:Factor 1: The higher the senior unsecured ranking, the lower the notching adjustment will be.Factor 2: In the case of structural subordination, debt of the parent holding company is serviced before that of operating subsidiaries.Cunningham is most likely correct with respect to: A: factor 1 only. B: factor 2 only. C: both of the factors.