They always help us do___ ___ ___( 大量的) housework A: a loot of B: lot of C: a lot of
They always help us do___ ___ ___( 大量的) housework A: a loot of B: lot of C: a lot of
以下哪个单词没有出现在视频中? A: moon B: loot C: boot D: hoot
以下哪个单词没有出现在视频中? A: moon B: loot C: boot D: hoot
已知某项目达产第一年的销售收入为31389万元,销售税金与附加为392万元,固定成 本为10542万元,可变成本为9450万元,该项目设计生产能力为lOOt,则盈亏平衡点( )
已知某项目达产第一年的销售收入为31389万元,销售税金与附加为392万元,固定成 本为10542万元,可变成本为9450万元,该项目设计生产能力为lOOt,则盈亏平衡点( )
翻译下列3个句子,注意括号的单词和其名词的关系。 The findings (of this report) show that (many) shoppers stay up late and take (the shopping) festival as the one day of the year (they could not do without)----(shoppers 购物者) (Typical) participants (on “Double 11” shopping spree) are (young professional) women (working in junior positions). Hu Xuanling, 23, said she was looking forward to showing off her “loot” (during “Double 11”), particularly for (popular) products (which she has bought at a discount).
翻译下列3个句子,注意括号的单词和其名词的关系。 The findings (of this report) show that (many) shoppers stay up late and take (the shopping) festival as the one day of the year (they could not do without)----(shoppers 购物者) (Typical) participants (on “Double 11” shopping spree) are (young professional) women (working in junior positions). Hu Xuanling, 23, said she was looking forward to showing off her “loot” (during “Double 11”), particularly for (popular) products (which she has bought at a discount).
“青蛙现象”是19世纪的几个教授提出的。他们做了一个实验,先把一只青蛙扔进lOOt的水里,青蛙马上跳了出去,成功脱险。后来,他们把青蛙放在水里慢慢加热,结果青蛙被煮死在水里。“青蛙现象”给管理者带来的启示是()。 A: 要敢于创新,勇于冒险 B: 要尽早感知风险,把问题消灭在萌芽状态 C: 要善于学习新知识,善于思考 D: 决策前要想清楚会出现什么问题
“青蛙现象”是19世纪的几个教授提出的。他们做了一个实验,先把一只青蛙扔进lOOt的水里,青蛙马上跳了出去,成功脱险。后来,他们把青蛙放在水里慢慢加热,结果青蛙被煮死在水里。“青蛙现象”给管理者带来的启示是()。 A: 要敢于创新,勇于冒险 B: 要尽早感知风险,把问题消灭在萌芽状态 C: 要善于学习新知识,善于思考 D: 决策前要想清楚会出现什么问题