Absolute secrecy is essential. _________ , the fewer who are aware of the project the better.
Absolute secrecy is essential. _________ , the fewer who are aware of the project the better.
Absolute secrecy is essential. ______, the fewer who are aware of the project the better. A: flexiblely B: emotionally C: consequently D: initially
Absolute secrecy is essential. ______, the fewer who are aware of the project the better. A: flexiblely B: emotionally C: consequently D: initially
Absolute secrecy is essential. __________, the fewer who are aware of the project the better. A: afterwards B: however C: consequently D: furthermore
Absolute secrecy is essential. __________, the fewer who are aware of the project the better. A: afterwards B: however C: consequently D: furthermore
We must respect other's ______, but not make an invasion of it. A: privacy B: humanity C: dignity D: secrecy
We must respect other's ______, but not make an invasion of it. A: privacy B: humanity C: dignity D: secrecy
According to the author, which of the following is NOT a result of the commercialization of the cam pus A: The change of teacher--student relationship. B: The disclosure of students' secrecy. C: The loss of its independence. D: The tendency to application--orientation.
According to the author, which of the following is NOT a result of the commercialization of the cam pus A: The change of teacher--student relationship. B: The disclosure of students' secrecy. C: The loss of its independence. D: The tendency to application--orientation.
The following are greater needs than honesty, except for ______. A: the need to shelter from brutal news of serious illness B: the need to uphold a promise of secrecy C: the need to go on vacation D: the need to promote public interest
The following are greater needs than honesty, except for ______. A: the need to shelter from brutal news of serious illness B: the need to uphold a promise of secrecy C: the need to go on vacation D: the need to promote public interest
The author believes that we should pay ______. A: little attention to applied subjects B: due attention to the public interest in free, shared knowledge C: more attention to the immediate needs and demands of our customers D: considerable attention to the commercial interest in the secrecy of research results
The author believes that we should pay ______. A: little attention to applied subjects B: due attention to the public interest in free, shared knowledge C: more attention to the immediate needs and demands of our customers D: considerable attention to the commercial interest in the secrecy of research results
以下哪个技术可以实现某一密钥被破解后,不会影响其它密钥的安全性 A: DH(Diffie-Hellman)交换及密钥分发 B: 完善的前向安全性(Perfect Forward Secrecy) C: 身份验证 D: 身份保护
以下哪个技术可以实现某一密钥被破解后,不会影响其它密钥的安全性 A: DH(Diffie-Hellman)交换及密钥分发 B: 完善的前向安全性(Perfect Forward Secrecy) C: 身份验证 D: 身份保护
以下关于密码学中的安全性说法正确的是() A: 语义安全是比Perfect<br/>Secrecy要弱一点的安全定义,它允许密文可泄露可忽略明文信息,我们一般是在选择明文攻击的条件下,讨论密文是不是可区分的 B: 在分组加密算法的工作模式中,任何好的对称加密算法当选择电码本模式时都可被证明的不具备选择明文攻击的语义安全特性 C: 对于消息认证码的安全性定义,我们是在给定选择明文条件下看攻击者能都创造出新的(消息、标签)对能否通过验证 D: Perfect<br/>Secrecy指密文对明文信息是没有任何泄露的,它是一种绝对的说法,没有任何事物是绝对的,因此,没有算法是真的能够具有Perfect<br/>Secrecy E: 在公钥算法中,我们一般衡量一个算法是否具有语义安全,一般是在选择密文的条件下发起攻击的,而在对称加密算法中一般是在选择明文的条件下发起攻击的
以下关于密码学中的安全性说法正确的是() A: 语义安全是比Perfect<br/>Secrecy要弱一点的安全定义,它允许密文可泄露可忽略明文信息,我们一般是在选择明文攻击的条件下,讨论密文是不是可区分的 B: 在分组加密算法的工作模式中,任何好的对称加密算法当选择电码本模式时都可被证明的不具备选择明文攻击的语义安全特性 C: 对于消息认证码的安全性定义,我们是在给定选择明文条件下看攻击者能都创造出新的(消息、标签)对能否通过验证 D: Perfect<br/>Secrecy指密文对明文信息是没有任何泄露的,它是一种绝对的说法,没有任何事物是绝对的,因此,没有算法是真的能够具有Perfect<br/>Secrecy E: 在公钥算法中,我们一般衡量一个算法是否具有语义安全,一般是在选择密文的条件下发起攻击的,而在对称加密算法中一般是在选择明文的条件下发起攻击的