• 2022-06-06 问题

    Which one of the following microorganisms is closely associated with dental caries? A: C. albicans B: Streptococcus mutans C: P. melaninogenica D: Neisseria subflava E: S. epidermidis

    Which one of the following microorganisms is closely associated with dental caries? A: C. albicans B: Streptococcus mutans C: P. melaninogenica D: Neisseria subflava E: S. epidermidis

  • 2022-06-06 问题

    Which<br/>of the following is the predominant flora of the mouth that is the<br/>major cause of dental caries () A: α-hemolytic<br/>streptococci B: Lactobacillus C: epidermidis D: coli E: fragilis

    Which<br/>of the following is the predominant flora of the mouth that is the<br/>major cause of dental caries () A: α-hemolytic<br/>streptococci B: Lactobacillus C: epidermidis D: coli E: fragilis

  • 2022-05-29 问题

    Which point is not applied to diffentiate S. aureus and S. epidermidis? A: Pigment of colony B: Arrangement under microscope C: hemolytic cycle on bloody agar plate. D: Coagulase test.

    Which point is not applied to diffentiate S. aureus and S. epidermidis? A: Pigment of colony B: Arrangement under microscope C: hemolytic cycle on bloody agar plate. D: Coagulase test.

  • 2022-06-06 问题

    Which of the following is the predominant flora of the mouth that is the major cause of dental caries 未知类型:{'options': ['[tex=0.643x0.786]hlJJ6/DUY+n2/FE6M2JdRA==[/tex]-hemolytic streptococci', 'Lactobacillus', 'S. epidermidis', 'E. coli', 'B. fragilis'], 'type': 102}

    Which of the following is the predominant flora of the mouth that is the major cause of dental caries 未知类型:{'options': ['[tex=0.643x0.786]hlJJ6/DUY+n2/FE6M2JdRA==[/tex]-hemolytic streptococci', 'Lactobacillus', 'S. epidermidis', 'E. coli', 'B. fragilis'], 'type': 102}

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