• 2022-06-14 问题

    The suffix "-ous" can combine with nouns to form adjectives. For example, when "industry", a noun, is combined with "-ous", we get "industrious", which is an adjective.

    The suffix "-ous" can combine with nouns to form adjectives. For example, when "industry", a noun, is combined with "-ous", we get "industrious", which is an adjective.

  • 2021-04-14 问题

    e) The suffixed “-ic” “-ous”, “-al” are found in _________.

    e) The suffixed “-ic” “-ous”, “-al” are found in _________.

  • 2022-06-05 问题

    Which of the following suffixes are noun suffixes?( ) A: -ity B: -age C: -ous D: -ment

    Which of the following suffixes are noun suffixes?( ) A: -ity B: -age C: -ous D: -ment

  • 2022-05-30 问题

    设曲线 [tex=4.929x1.429]OUs/mWOVaAOHJFZhJT9jrg==[/tex]求 (1,1) 点处曲线的切线方程及法线方程.

    设曲线 [tex=4.929x1.429]OUs/mWOVaAOHJFZhJT9jrg==[/tex]求 (1,1) 点处曲线的切线方程及法线方程.

  • 2022-06-06 问题

    The verb “cooperate” means “work or act together”, and we add the suffix _____ to transform the verb into a noun.( ) A: -y B: -ed C: -ion D: -ous

    The verb “cooperate” means “work or act together”, and we add the suffix _____ to transform the verb into a noun.( ) A: -y B: -ed C: -ion D: -ous

  • 2022-05-28 问题

    以下哪些是形容词后缀? A: al B: ive C: nese D: able E: ible F: ian G: ed H: en I: ful J: ical K: ic L: ly M: ous N: ward O: ity

    以下哪些是形容词后缀? A: al B: ive C: nese D: able E: ible F: ian G: ed H: en I: ful J: ical K: ic L: ly M: ous N: ward O: ity

  • 2022-06-06 问题

    选择正确的答案:Vous êtes allée au cinéma hier soir? A: Non, je suis restée à la maison. B: Oui, et elle a passé une bonne soirée. C: Oui, ous sommes allés chez notre fille. D: Nous sommes partis à midi.

    选择正确的答案:Vous êtes allée au cinéma hier soir? A: Non, je suis restée à la maison. B: Oui, et elle a passé une bonne soirée. C: Oui, ous sommes allés chez notre fille. D: Nous sommes partis à midi.

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