阅读下面的代码段,屏幕的输出是什么?public static void main(String[] args) { try{tryThis();return;}catch(IOException x1){ System.out.println("exception 1");return;}catch(Exception x2){System.out.println("exception 2");return;}finally{ System.out.println("finally");} } static void tryThis() throws IOException{ throw new IOException(); } A: ”exception1”后面跟着”finally” B: ” exception2”后面跟着“finally” C: ”exception1” D: ”exception2”
阅读下面的代码段,屏幕的输出是什么?public static void main(String[] args) { try{tryThis();return;}catch(IOException x1){ System.out.println("exception 1");return;}catch(Exception x2){System.out.println("exception 2");return;}finally{ System.out.println("finally");} } static void tryThis() throws IOException{ throw new IOException(); } A: ”exception1”后面跟着”finally” B: ” exception2”后面跟着“finally” C: ”exception1” D: ”exception2”
程序读入用户输入的一个年龄值,要求创建一个自定义的异常,如果输入值大于100或小于1,使用throw语句显示的引发异常,异常输出信息为“年龄不合法”,语句为( ) A: if(age>100||age<1)throw Exception (“年龄不合法”); B: if(age>100||age<1)throw Exception e(“年龄不合法”); C: if(age>100||age<1)throw new Exception (“年龄不合法”); D: if(age>100||age<1)throw new Exception e(“年龄不合法”);
程序读入用户输入的一个年龄值,要求创建一个自定义的异常,如果输入值大于100或小于1,使用throw语句显示的引发异常,异常输出信息为“年龄不合法”,语句为( ) A: if(age>100||age<1)throw Exception (“年龄不合法”); B: if(age>100||age<1)throw Exception e(“年龄不合法”); C: if(age>100||age<1)throw new Exception (“年龄不合法”); D: if(age>100||age<1)throw new Exception e(“年龄不合法”);
下面的异常()为文件没有找到异常。 A: ANull Pointer Exception B: BFile Not Found Exception C: CArray lndex Out Of Bounds Exception D: DIO Exception
下面的异常()为文件没有找到异常。 A: ANull Pointer Exception B: BFile Not Found Exception C: CArray lndex Out Of Bounds Exception D: DIO Exception
public class Yippee { public static void main(String [] args) { for(int x = 1; x A: No output is produced. 123 B: No output is produced. 234 C: No output is produced. 1234 D: An exception is thrown at runtime. 123 E: An exception is thrown at runtime. 234 F: An exception is thrown at rijntime. 1234
public class Yippee { public static void main(String [] args) { for(int x = 1; x A: No output is produced. 123 B: No output is produced. 234 C: No output is produced. 1234 D: An exception is thrown at runtime. 123 E: An exception is thrown at runtime. 234 F: An exception is thrown at rijntime. 1234
以下哪一种是按照异常应该被捕获的顺序排列的() A: Exception、IOException、FileNotFoundException B: FileNotFoundException、Exception、IOException、 C: IOException、FileNotFoundException、Exception D: FileNotFoundException、IOException、Exception
以下哪一种是按照异常应该被捕获的顺序排列的() A: Exception、IOException、FileNotFoundException B: FileNotFoundException、Exception、IOException、 C: IOException、FileNotFoundException、Exception D: FileNotFoundException、IOException、Exception
Management by exception:
Management by exception:
What will be the output of the following Python code? ( )[img=339x165]17d6037e17803e7.png[/img] A: 5 B: An exception is thrown C: 1 D: 4
What will be the output of the following Python code? ( )[img=339x165]17d6037e17803e7.png[/img] A: 5 B: An exception is thrown C: 1 D: 4
读程序,写出和程序输出格式一致的输出结果。 public class J_Test { public static void mb_method(int i) { try { if(i == 1) throw new Exception(); System.out.print("1"); } catch(Exception ex) { System.out.print("2"); return; } finally { System.out.print("3"); } System.out.print("4"); } public static void main(String[] args) { mb_method(0); mb_method(1); } }
读程序,写出和程序输出格式一致的输出结果。 public class J_Test { public static void mb_method(int i) { try { if(i == 1) throw new Exception(); System.out.print("1"); } catch(Exception ex) { System.out.print("2"); return; } finally { System.out.print("3"); } System.out.print("4"); } public static void main(String[] args) { mb_method(0); mb_method(1); } }
下列哪个是加载JDBC-SQLServer数据库驱动(连接器)(8.0分) A: try{ Class.forName("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver");}catch(Exception e){} B: try{Class.forName("oracle.jdbc.driver.oracleDriver");}catch(Exception e){} C: try{ Class.forName("com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerDriver");}catch(Exception e){} D: try{ Class.forName("org.apache.derby.jdbc.EmbeddedDriver");}catch(Exception e){}
下列哪个是加载JDBC-SQLServer数据库驱动(连接器)(8.0分) A: try{ Class.forName("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver");}catch(Exception e){} B: try{Class.forName("oracle.jdbc.driver.oracleDriver");}catch(Exception e){} C: try{ Class.forName("com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerDriver");}catch(Exception e){} D: try{ Class.forName("org.apache.derby.jdbc.EmbeddedDriver");}catch(Exception e){}