Speeches arranged chronologically follows a __________ pattern.
Speeches arranged chronologically follows a __________ pattern.
In both CV and resumes, information within sections is usually organized chronologically.
In both CV and resumes, information within sections is usually organized chronologically.
The Bible’s books are arranged chronologically, rather than by type.
The Bible’s books are arranged chronologically, rather than by type.
With a chronologically balanced pattern of narration, the author focuses on three incidents, what are they?
With a chronologically balanced pattern of narration, the author focuses on three incidents, what are they?
Events in a narrative are usually related in chronological order or by _____.( ) A: backflash B: chronologically C: flashback
Events in a narrative are usually related in chronological order or by _____.( ) A: backflash B: chronologically C: flashback
WhenmakingentriesintheOilRecordBook,thedate,operationalcodeanditemnumbershallbeinsertedintheappropriatecolumnsandtherequiredparticularsshallberecorded()intheblankspaces. A: periodically B: occasionally C: chronologically D: additionally
WhenmakingentriesintheOilRecordBook,thedate,operationalcodeanditemnumbershallbeinsertedintheappropriatecolumnsandtherequiredparticularsshallberecorded()intheblankspaces. A: periodically B: occasionally C: chronologically D: additionally
Chronologically, Jane Austen's career belongs to the Renaissance period. She was a contemporary of Wordsworth and Coleridge.
Chronologically, Jane Austen's career belongs to the Renaissance period. She was a contemporary of Wordsworth and Coleridge.
When information in a passage is organized by the time and the place in which each event occurred, it is organized chronologically. A: 正确 B: 错误
When information in a passage is organized by the time and the place in which each event occurred, it is organized chronologically. A: 正确 B: 错误
What are the features of narration? A: It is usually told chronologically. B: It may use dialogues. C: It has a beginning, middle and ending. D: It describes something vividly.
What are the features of narration? A: It is usually told chronologically. B: It may use dialogues. C: It has a beginning, middle and ending. D: It describes something vividly.
Watch the lecture about American Environmentalism and choose how the speaker organized the information in the lecture? A: chronologically B: thematically C: methodologically D: all above
Watch the lecture about American Environmentalism and choose how the speaker organized the information in the lecture? A: chronologically B: thematically C: methodologically D: all above