• 2021-04-14 问题

    Sleepiness _____(发生) after having bread or rice, and other such carbohydrates.

    Sleepiness _____(发生) after having bread or rice, and other such carbohydrates.

  • 2021-04-14 问题

    Sleepiness _____( 发生 ) after having bread or rice, and other such carbohydrates.

    Sleepiness _____( 发生 ) after having bread or rice, and other such carbohydrates.

  • 2022-06-07 问题

    Certain drugs can causetransientside effects, such as sleepiness. A: permanent B: residual C: irreversible D: fleeting

    Certain drugs can causetransientside effects, such as sleepiness. A: permanent B: residual C: irreversible D: fleeting

  • 2022-06-07 问题

    Most of the experts agree that there is virtually the _______ of sleepiness in this country. A: pandemic B: epidemic C: infection D: contagion

    Most of the experts agree that there is virtually the _______ of sleepiness in this country. A: pandemic B: epidemic C: infection D: contagion

  • 2022-06-30 问题

    对思睡严重程度的评价一般分为主观和客观评价,主观评价不包括:( ) A: 初步评价 B: Epworth思睡量表(Epworth sleepiness scale, ESS) C: 斯坦福思睡量表(Stanford sleepiness scale, SSS) D: 多次睡眠潜伏期试验(MSLT)

    对思睡严重程度的评价一般分为主观和客观评价,主观评价不包括:( ) A: 初步评价 B: Epworth思睡量表(Epworth sleepiness scale, ESS) C: 斯坦福思睡量表(Stanford sleepiness scale, SSS) D: 多次睡眠潜伏期试验(MSLT)

  • 2022-06-07 问题

    The purpose of this article is to______. A: ware us of the wickedness of napping B: explain the danger of sleepiness C: discuss the side effects of napping D: convince the reader of the necessity of napping

    The purpose of this article is to______. A: ware us of the wickedness of napping B: explain the danger of sleepiness C: discuss the side effects of napping D: convince the reader of the necessity of napping

  • 2021-04-14 问题

    Section A Millions of people travel by plane every single day. If you're planning on being one of them soon, you might not be looking forward to the 1 feeling air travel often leaves you with. Besides the airport crowds and stress, travelling at a high altitude has real effects on the body. Although the pressure of the cabin is 2 to prevent altitude sickness, you could still 3 sleepiness or a headache. The lower oxygen pressure found in an aircraft cabin is 4 to that at 6,000-8,000 feet of altitude. A drop in oxygen pressure can cause headaches in certain 5 . To help prevent headaches, drink plenty of water, and avoid alcohol and coffee. Airplane food might not really be as tasteless as you 6 thought. The air you breathe in a plane dries out your mouth and nose, which can affect your sense of taste. Perception of sweet and salty foods dropped by almost 30 percent in a simulation of air travel. However, you can make your taste buds active again by drinking water. A dry mouth may 7 taste sensitivity, but taste is restored by drinking fluids. Although in-flight infections 8 in dry environments like airplanes, your risk of getting sick from an airplane is actually low because of the air 9 used. Unless you're sitting next to someone who is coughing or sneezing, you shouldn't worry too much about getting sick. However, bacteria have been shown to live on cabin surfaces, so wash your hands 10 . A) adjusted I) particular B) channels J) primarily C) equivalent K) reduce D) experience L) renovated E) filters M) smooth F) frequently N) thrive G) individuals O) unpleasant H) originally

    Section A Millions of people travel by plane every single day. If you're planning on being one of them soon, you might not be looking forward to the 1 feeling air travel often leaves you with. Besides the airport crowds and stress, travelling at a high altitude has real effects on the body. Although the pressure of the cabin is 2 to prevent altitude sickness, you could still 3 sleepiness or a headache. The lower oxygen pressure found in an aircraft cabin is 4 to that at 6,000-8,000 feet of altitude. A drop in oxygen pressure can cause headaches in certain 5 . To help prevent headaches, drink plenty of water, and avoid alcohol and coffee. Airplane food might not really be as tasteless as you 6 thought. The air you breathe in a plane dries out your mouth and nose, which can affect your sense of taste. Perception of sweet and salty foods dropped by almost 30 percent in a simulation of air travel. However, you can make your taste buds active again by drinking water. A dry mouth may 7 taste sensitivity, but taste is restored by drinking fluids. Although in-flight infections 8 in dry environments like airplanes, your risk of getting sick from an airplane is actually low because of the air 9 used. Unless you're sitting next to someone who is coughing or sneezing, you shouldn't worry too much about getting sick. However, bacteria have been shown to live on cabin surfaces, so wash your hands 10 . A) adjusted I) particular B) channels J) primarily C) equivalent K) reduce D) experience L) renovated E) filters M) smooth F) frequently N) thrive G) individuals O) unpleasant H) originally

  • 2021-04-14 问题

    智慧职教: Judging from recent surveys, most experts in sleep behavior agree that there is virtually an epidemic (流行病) of sleepiness in the nation. “I can't think of a single study that hasn't found Americans getting less sleep than they ought to,” says Dr. David. Even people who think they are sleeping enough would probably be better off with more rest. The beginning of our sleep-deficit (睡眠不足) crisis can be traced to the invention of the light bulb a century ago. From diary entries and other personal accounts from the 18th and 19th centuries, sleep scientists have reached the conclusion that the average person used to sleep about 9.5 hours a night. “The best sleep habits once were forced on us, when we had nothing to do in the evening down on the farm, and it was dark.” By the 1950s and 1960s, that sleep schedule had been reduced dramatically, to between 7.5 and eight hours, and most people had to wake to an alarm clock. “People cheat on their sleep, and they don't even realize they're doing it,” says Dr. David. "They think they're okay because they can get by on 6.5hours, when they really need 7.5, eight or even more to feel ideally vigorous." Perhaps the most merciless robber of sleep, researchers say, is the complexity of the day. Whenever pressures from work, family, friends and community mount, many people consider sleep the least expensive item on his programme. “In our society, you're considered dynamic if you say you only need 5.5 hours' sleep. If you've got to get 8.5 hours, people think you lack drive and ambition." To determine the consequences of sleep deficit, researchers have put subjects through a set of psychological and performance tests requiring them, for instance, to add columns of numbers or recall a passage read to them only minutes earlier. "We've found that if you're in sleep deficit, performance suffers," says Dr. David. “Short-term memory is weakened, as are abilities to make decisions and to concentrate.”

    智慧职教: Judging from recent surveys, most experts in sleep behavior agree that there is virtually an epidemic (流行病) of sleepiness in the nation. “I can't think of a single study that hasn't found Americans getting less sleep than they ought to,” says Dr. David. Even people who think they are sleeping enough would probably be better off with more rest. The beginning of our sleep-deficit (睡眠不足) crisis can be traced to the invention of the light bulb a century ago. From diary entries and other personal accounts from the 18th and 19th centuries, sleep scientists have reached the conclusion that the average person used to sleep about 9.5 hours a night. “The best sleep habits once were forced on us, when we had nothing to do in the evening down on the farm, and it was dark.” By the 1950s and 1960s, that sleep schedule had been reduced dramatically, to between 7.5 and eight hours, and most people had to wake to an alarm clock. “People cheat on their sleep, and they don't even realize they're doing it,” says Dr. David. "They think they're okay because they can get by on 6.5hours, when they really need 7.5, eight or even more to feel ideally vigorous." Perhaps the most merciless robber of sleep, researchers say, is the complexity of the day. Whenever pressures from work, family, friends and community mount, many people consider sleep the least expensive item on his programme. “In our society, you're considered dynamic if you say you only need 5.5 hours' sleep. If you've got to get 8.5 hours, people think you lack drive and ambition." To determine the consequences of sleep deficit, researchers have put subjects through a set of psychological and performance tests requiring them, for instance, to add columns of numbers or recall a passage read to them only minutes earlier. "We've found that if you're in sleep deficit, performance suffers," says Dr. David. “Short-term memory is weakened, as are abilities to make decisions and to concentrate.”

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