如下表student中,如何筛选type为包含数学或语文的记录?() A: select*from student where type=“数学” and type=“语文” B: select*from student where type=“数学” or type=“语文” C: select*from student where type in(“数学”,“语文”) D: select*from student where type in(“数学”、“语文”)
如下表student中,如何筛选type为包含数学或语文的记录?() A: select*from student where type=“数学” and type=“语文” B: select*from student where type=“数学” or type=“语文” C: select*from student where type in(“数学”,“语文”) D: select*from student where type in(“数学”、“语文”)
以下自定义数据类型的语句中,正确的是 A: A.Type student ID As String * 20 name As String * 10 age As Integer End student B: B.Type student ID As String * 20 name As String * 10 age As Integer End Type C: C.Type student ID As String name As String age As Integer End student D: C.Type ID As String * 20 name As String * 10 age As Integer End Type student
以下自定义数据类型的语句中,正确的是 A: A.Type student ID As String * 20 name As String * 10 age As Integer End student B: B.Type student ID As String * 20 name As String * 10 age As Integer End Type C: C.Type student ID As String name As String age As Integer End student D: C.Type ID As String * 20 name As String * 10 age As Integer End Type student
以下对结构类型变量的定义中不正确的是( ) 未知类型:{'options': ['#define STUDENT struct studentSTUDENT{int num;float age;}std1;', 'struct student{int num;float age;}std1;', 'struct student{int num;float age;float age;}std1;', 'struct student{int num;}student;struct student'], 'type': 102}
以下对结构类型变量的定义中不正确的是( ) 未知类型:{'options': ['#define STUDENT struct studentSTUDENT{int num;float age;}std1;', 'struct student{int num;float age;}std1;', 'struct student{int num;float age;float age;}std1;', 'struct student{int num;}student;struct student'], 'type': 102}
下面定义结构变量的语句中错误的是。 未知类型:{'options': ['struct student{ int num; char name[20]; } s;', 'struct { int num; char name[20]; } s;', 'struct student{ int num; char name[20]; }; struct student s;', 'struct student{ int num; char name[20]; }; student s;'], 'type': 102}
下面定义结构变量的语句中错误的是。 未知类型:{'options': ['struct student{ int num; char name[20]; } s;', 'struct { int num; char name[20]; } s;', 'struct student{ int num; char name[20]; }; struct student s;', 'struct student{ int num; char name[20]; }; student s;'], 'type': 102}
【单选题】使用命令添加用户student,设置密码为student,然后使用命令删除该用户。 A. useradd student passwd student userdel student B. useradd student passwd student sudo userdel student C. useradd student sudo passwd student sudo userdel student D. su root useradd student passwd student userdel student
【单选题】使用命令添加用户student,设置密码为student,然后使用命令删除该用户。 A. useradd student passwd student userdel student B. useradd student passwd student sudo userdel student C. useradd student sudo passwd student sudo userdel student D. su root useradd student passwd student userdel student
下列变量定义方法不正确的是()。 A: al VARCHAR2(10);a2 al%TYPE; B: a3 student.sno%TYPE; C: a4 student%ROWTYPE; D: b2 bl%TYPE;b1 VARCHAR2(10);
下列变量定义方法不正确的是()。 A: al VARCHAR2(10);a2 al%TYPE; B: a3 student.sno%TYPE; C: a4 student%ROWTYPE; D: b2 bl%TYPE;b1 VARCHAR2(10);
在项目中已经建立了一个JavaBean,其类为bean.Student,该Bean具有name属性,则下面标签用法正确的是()。 未知类型:{'options': ['[jsp:useBean id=”student” class=”Student” scope=”session”][/:useBean]', '[jsp:useBean id=”student” class=”Student” scope=”session”/]', '[jsp:useBean id=”student” class=”bean.student” scope=”session”][/:useBean]', '[jsp:getProperty name=”name” property=”student”/]'], 'type': 102}
在项目中已经建立了一个JavaBean,其类为bean.Student,该Bean具有name属性,则下面标签用法正确的是()。 未知类型:{'options': ['[jsp:useBean id=”student” class=”Student” scope=”session”][/:useBean]', '[jsp:useBean id=”student” class=”Student” scope=”session”/]', '[jsp:useBean id=”student” class=”bean.student” scope=”session”][/:useBean]', '[jsp:getProperty name=”name” property=”student”/]'], 'type': 102}
在项目中已经建立了一个 JavaBean 该类为:bean.Student,给 bean 具有 name 属性,则下面标签用法正确的是:( ) 未知类型:{'options': ['[jsp:useBeanid="student" scope="session"][/:useBean]', '[jsp:useBeanid="student" scope="session"]hello student![/:useBean]', '[jsp:useBeanid="student" class="bean.Student" scope="session"]hello student![/:useBean]', '[jsp:getProperty name="name" property="student"/]'], 'type': 102}
在项目中已经建立了一个 JavaBean 该类为:bean.Student,给 bean 具有 name 属性,则下面标签用法正确的是:( ) 未知类型:{'options': ['[jsp:useBeanid="student" scope="session"][/:useBean]', '[jsp:useBeanid="student" scope="session"]hello student![/:useBean]', '[jsp:useBeanid="student" class="bean.Student" scope="session"]hello student![/:useBean]', '[jsp:getProperty name="name" property="student"/]'], 'type': 102}
删除数据表student的命令是________。 A: drop table student; B: drop student; C: delete table student; D: drop student;
删除数据表student的命令是________。 A: drop table student; B: drop student; C: delete table student; D: drop student;
VBA中打开“student”表的语句是( )。 A: Docmd.OpenForm”student” B: Docmd.OpenQuery"student" C: Docmd.OpenTable"student" D: Docmd.Openreport"student"
VBA中打开“student”表的语句是( )。 A: Docmd.OpenForm”student” B: Docmd.OpenQuery"student" C: Docmd.OpenTable"student" D: Docmd.Openreport"student"