• 2021-04-14 问题

    智慧职教: 39.My muster station is outside my cabin next to the clinic.

    智慧职教: 39.My muster station is outside my cabin next to the clinic.

  • 2022-06-05 问题

    Which is an<br/>example of a deductive argument? A: There are 25 CDs on the top shelf of my bookcase and 14 on the<br/>lower shelf. There are no other CDs in my bookcase. Therefore, there<br/>are 39 CDs in my bookcase.

    Which is an<br/>example of a deductive argument? A: There are 25 CDs on the top shelf of my bookcase and 14 on the<br/>lower shelf. There are no other CDs in my bookcase. Therefore, there<br/>are 39 CDs in my bookcase.

  • 2022-06-05 问题

    Which of the following statements are formal quotations? ( ) A: &#39;It takes me three weeks to prepare a good impromptu speech.&#39; by Mark Twain . B: Bertrand Russell said, &#39;It&#39;s preoccupation of possession that keeps you from happiness&#39;. C: My mum always said &#39;respect the old men&#39;. D: &#39;Make American great again&#39; by Donald Trump.

    Which of the following statements are formal quotations? ( ) A: &#39;It takes me three weeks to prepare a good impromptu speech.&#39; by Mark Twain . B: Bertrand Russell said, &#39;It&#39;s preoccupation of possession that keeps you from happiness&#39;. C: My mum always said &#39;respect the old men&#39;. D: &#39;Make American great again&#39; by Donald Trump.

  • 2022-05-27 问题

    在SETEXACTON情况下,结果值为逻辑真的表达式是()。 A: &#39;&#39;数据库系统&#39;&#39;=&#39;&#39;数据库&#39;&#39; B: &#39;&#39;数据库&#39;&#39;=&#39;&#39;数据库系统&#39;&#39; C: &#39;&#39;数据库&#39;&#39;==&#39;&#39;数据库&#39;&#39;+space(4) D: &#39;&#39;数据库&#39;&#39;=&#39;&#39;数据库&#39;&#39;+space(4)

    在SETEXACTON情况下,结果值为逻辑真的表达式是()。 A: &#39;&#39;数据库系统&#39;&#39;=&#39;&#39;数据库&#39;&#39; B: &#39;&#39;数据库&#39;&#39;=&#39;&#39;数据库系统&#39;&#39; C: &#39;&#39;数据库&#39;&#39;==&#39;&#39;数据库&#39;&#39;+space(4) D: &#39;&#39;数据库&#39;&#39;=&#39;&#39;数据库&#39;&#39;+space(4)

  • 2021-04-14 问题

    智慧职教: 已知有字典dict1={&#39;中国&#39;:&#39;北京&#39;,&#39;美国&#39;:&#39;华盛顿&#39;,&#39;俄罗斯&#39;:&#39;莫斯科&#39;,&#39;日本&#39;:&#39;东京&#39;},要输出&#39;美国&#39;所对应的值的正确语句为

    智慧职教: 已知有字典dict1={&#39;中国&#39;:&#39;北京&#39;,&#39;美国&#39;:&#39;华盛顿&#39;,&#39;俄罗斯&#39;:&#39;莫斯科&#39;,&#39;日本&#39;:&#39;东京&#39;},要输出&#39;美国&#39;所对应的值的正确语句为

  • 2022-06-30 问题

    下列不正确的转义字符是_______。 A: &#39;&#39; B: &#39;074&#39; C: &#39;&#39; &#39; D: &#39;&#39;&#39;&#39;

    下列不正确的转义字符是_______。 A: &#39;&#39; B: &#39;074&#39; C: &#39;&#39; &#39; D: &#39;&#39;&#39;&#39;

  • 2022-05-31 问题

    表示职称为副教授同时性别为男的表达式为( )。 A: IN (&#39;副教授&#39;,&#39;男&#39;) B: 职称=&#39;副教授&#39; AND 性别=&#39;男&#39; C: 职称=&#39;副教授&#39; OR 性别=&#39;男&#39; D: BETWEEN &#39;副教授&#39; AND &#39;男&#39;

    表示职称为副教授同时性别为男的表达式为( )。 A: IN (&#39;副教授&#39;,&#39;男&#39;) B: 职称=&#39;副教授&#39; AND 性别=&#39;男&#39; C: 职称=&#39;副教授&#39; OR 性别=&#39;男&#39; D: BETWEEN &#39;副教授&#39; AND &#39;男&#39;

  • 2022-07-29 问题

    向student表插入一条新记录的正确SQL语句是()。 A: APPENDINTOstudentVALUES(&#39;0401&#39;,&#39;王芳&#39;,&#39;女&#39;,18) B: APPENDstudentVALUES(&#39;0401&#39;,&#39;王芳&#39;,&#39;女&#39;,18) C: INSERTINTOstudentVALUES(&#39;0401&#39;,&#39;王芳&#39;,&#39;女&#39;,18) D: INSERTstudentVALUES(&#39;0401&#39;,&#39;王芳&#39;,&#39;女&#39;,18)

    向student表插入一条新记录的正确SQL语句是()。 A: APPENDINTOstudentVALUES(&#39;0401&#39;,&#39;王芳&#39;,&#39;女&#39;,18) B: APPENDstudentVALUES(&#39;0401&#39;,&#39;王芳&#39;,&#39;女&#39;,18) C: INSERTINTOstudentVALUES(&#39;0401&#39;,&#39;王芳&#39;,&#39;女&#39;,18) D: INSERTstudentVALUES(&#39;0401&#39;,&#39;王芳&#39;,&#39;女&#39;,18)

  • 2022-06-16 问题

    执行下列哪个语句能够得到结果'2001-2-15' A: &#39;-&#39;.join([&#39;2001&#39;, &#39;2&#39;, &#39;15&#39;]) B: &#39;-&#39;.join(&#39;2001&#39;, &#39;2&#39;, &#39;15&#39;) C: &#39;-&#39;.join(2001, 2,15) D: &#39;-&#39;.join([2001, 2,15])

    执行下列哪个语句能够得到结果'2001-2-15' A: &#39;-&#39;.join([&#39;2001&#39;, &#39;2&#39;, &#39;15&#39;]) B: &#39;-&#39;.join(&#39;2001&#39;, &#39;2&#39;, &#39;15&#39;) C: &#39;-&#39;.join(2001, 2,15) D: &#39;-&#39;.join([2001, 2,15])

  • 2022-06-29 问题

    以下哪个选项是判断ch是否为大写字母的正确形式? A: ch &gt;= & B: 39;A& C: 39; &amp;&amp; ch &lt;=& D: 39;Z& E: 39; F: ch &lt;= & G: 39;Z& H: 39; &amp;&amp; ch &gt;= & I: 39;A& J: 39; K: & L: 39;A& M: 39; &lt;= ch &lt;= & N: 39;Z& O: 39; P: ch &gt;= & Q: 39;A& R: 39; || ch &lt;= & S: 39;Z& T: 39; U: ch &gt;=& V: 39;A& W: 39; AND ch &lt;=& X: 39;Z& Y: 39; Z: ch BETWEEN & [: 39;A& \: 39; AND & ]: 39;Z&quot;

    以下哪个选项是判断ch是否为大写字母的正确形式? A: ch &gt;= & B: 39;A& C: 39; &amp;&amp; ch &lt;=& D: 39;Z& E: 39; F: ch &lt;= & G: 39;Z& H: 39; &amp;&amp; ch &gt;= & I: 39;A& J: 39; K: & L: 39;A& M: 39; &lt;= ch &lt;= & N: 39;Z& O: 39; P: ch &gt;= & Q: 39;A& R: 39; || ch &lt;= & S: 39;Z& T: 39; U: ch &gt;=& V: 39;A& W: 39; AND ch &lt;=& X: 39;Z& Y: 39; Z: ch BETWEEN & [: 39;A& \: 39; AND & ]: 39;Z&quot;

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