• 2022-05-27 问题

    A homogeneous part or aggregation of material that differs from another part due to difference in structure A: Liquidus B: Solidus C: Solution D: Phase

    A homogeneous part or aggregation of material that differs from another part due to difference in structure A: Liquidus B: Solidus C: Solution D: Phase

  • 2022-06-09 问题

    下列翻译正确的是( ) A: Extractum Menthae B: Da Tinctura Belladonnae C: Extractum Rhei Liquidus D: Semen Rheum

    下列翻译正确的是( ) A: Extractum Menthae B: Da Tinctura Belladonnae C: Extractum Rhei Liquidus D: Semen Rheum

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