SLAM程序对里程计累计误差的修正,体现在: A: base_link<--->odom 这段tf B: odom<---> map 这段tf C: /odom话题 D: /map话题
SLAM程序对里程计累计误差的修正,体现在: A: base_link<--->odom 这段tf B: odom<---> map 这段tf C: /odom话题 D: /map话题
Navigation中有一个robot_ekf_pose软件包,阅读文档以下描述错误的是? 可选的传感器数据为IMU、Visual Odometry、Wheel Odometry|默认发布odom;→;base_footprint的tf|默认发布robot_pose_ekf/odom_combined消息|作用为多传感器融合,进行更准确的位姿估计
Navigation中有一个robot_ekf_pose软件包,阅读文档以下描述错误的是? 可选的传感器数据为IMU、Visual Odometry、Wheel Odometry|默认发布odom;→;base_footprint的tf|默认发布robot_pose_ekf/odom_combined消息|作用为多传感器融合,进行更准确的位姿估计
SLAM程序对里程计累计误差的修正,体现在: A: base_link<--->odom 这段tf B: odom<---> map 这段tf C: /odom话题 D: /map话题
SLAM程序对里程计累计误差的修正,体现在: A: base_link<--->odom 这段tf B: odom<---> map 这段tf C: /odom话题 D: /map话题
His sickness, ____ with terrible weather, has completed ruined This long-expected trip.A. combining B. combined C. to combineD. to be combined
His sickness, ____ with terrible weather, has completed ruined This long-expected trip.A. combining B. combined C. to combineD. to be combined
Education must be combined with ______ labor.
Education must be combined with ______ labor.
Two or more herbs are combined for the reasons except
Two or more herbs are combined for the reasons except
Front Office department and Housekeeping department are combined as Department.
Front Office department and Housekeeping department are combined as Department.
An affix can be combined with another morpheme to form a word. ( )
An affix can be combined with another morpheme to form a word. ( )
The analytic hierarchy process is a combined analysis method of ______ and quantitative.
The analytic hierarchy process is a combined analysis method of ______ and quantitative.
Marketing segmentation, _________ and ________ are combined together to be a complete marketing management process.
Marketing segmentation, _________ and ________ are combined together to be a complete marketing management process.