• 2021-04-14 问题

    中国大学MOOC: What is the climax of the short story Charlotte Perkins “The Yellow Wallpaper”?

    中国大学MOOC: What is the climax of the short story Charlotte Perkins “The Yellow Wallpaper”?

  • 2022-05-29 问题

    受眼球壁硬度和角膜形态影响大的眼压计是() A: Perkins 眼压计 B: Goldmann眼压计 C: 非接触眼压计 D: Schiotz眼压计

    受眼球壁硬度和角膜形态影响大的眼压计是() A: Perkins 眼压计 B: Goldmann眼压计 C: 非接触眼压计 D: Schiotz眼压计

  • 2021-04-14 问题

    Why do smokers tend to weigh less than nonsmokers and gain weight when they give up the habit? Contrary to “common knowledge”, nonsmokers do not generally eat more than smokers, nor do they exercise less, studies find. Research performed on smokers at rest indicates that nicotine (尼古丁) itself can increase basal metabolic (新陈代谢的) rates, meaning smokers burn more energy than nonsmokers during periods of inactivity. But surveys suggest most smokers smoke not while completely at rest, but while performing light activities such as desk work that can increase metabolic rates by two or three times. Unless nicotine’s metabolic effects increase proportionally with metabolic rates, its influence on weight might be insignificant. Now a study shows that nicotine’s effects on body-fuel consumption indeed increase proportionally with increases in activity. “These results indicate that the metabolic effect of nicotine may play a greater part in accounting for body-weight differences between smokers and nonsmokers than was previously believed,” says Kenneth A. Perkins and his colleagues at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine. The researchers gave a nicotine nose spray to individuals performing light work — in this case riding an exercise bicycle modified to allow easy riding while subjects remain seated in a comfortable armchair. The activity raised resting metabolic rates two to three times. By analyzing air breathed out, the researchers calculated energy consumption in the armchair bicyclists before and after giving the nose spray and compared the relative changes with subjects in the control group given placebo ((试验药物用的)无效对照剂) nose sprays. Relative to their baseline bicycle expenditures, individuals in the nicotine group expended considerably more energy than did those in control group while doing the same amount of work. With nicotine, Perkins says, “It’s as if the body is becoming much less efficient in using its stored energy.” While the results may seem discouraging to smokers who’d like to quit without gaining weight, Perkins notes that walking an extra mile a day should make up for the difference in metabolic efficiency. And he says smokers would have to gain “well more than 50 pounds” to counterbalance the health risks of continued smoking.

    Why do smokers tend to weigh less than nonsmokers and gain weight when they give up the habit? Contrary to “common knowledge”, nonsmokers do not generally eat more than smokers, nor do they exercise less, studies find. Research performed on smokers at rest indicates that nicotine (尼古丁) itself can increase basal metabolic (新陈代谢的) rates, meaning smokers burn more energy than nonsmokers during periods of inactivity. But surveys suggest most smokers smoke not while completely at rest, but while performing light activities such as desk work that can increase metabolic rates by two or three times. Unless nicotine’s metabolic effects increase proportionally with metabolic rates, its influence on weight might be insignificant. Now a study shows that nicotine’s effects on body-fuel consumption indeed increase proportionally with increases in activity. “These results indicate that the metabolic effect of nicotine may play a greater part in accounting for body-weight differences between smokers and nonsmokers than was previously believed,” says Kenneth A. Perkins and his colleagues at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine. The researchers gave a nicotine nose spray to individuals performing light work — in this case riding an exercise bicycle modified to allow easy riding while subjects remain seated in a comfortable armchair. The activity raised resting metabolic rates two to three times. By analyzing air breathed out, the researchers calculated energy consumption in the armchair bicyclists before and after giving the nose spray and compared the relative changes with subjects in the control group given placebo ((试验药物用的)无效对照剂) nose sprays. Relative to their baseline bicycle expenditures, individuals in the nicotine group expended considerably more energy than did those in control group while doing the same amount of work. With nicotine, Perkins says, “It’s as if the body is becoming much less efficient in using its stored energy.” While the results may seem discouraging to smokers who’d like to quit without gaining weight, Perkins notes that walking an extra mile a day should make up for the difference in metabolic efficiency. And he says smokers would have to gain “well more than 50 pounds” to counterbalance the health risks of continued smoking.

  • 2022-06-19 问题

    4Her role as First Lady,heroicthough it was, was only training. She had used her White House seat to lobbybut the power was 1)____. Besides, as Perkins once said, "She said things that made people angry." With her husband's death in 1945, Roosevelt seemed ready to return to a private life. 2)____ she told the press. Later that year PresidentTrumanasked Eleanor to 3)____She accepted the charge, moved on, and would change forever(有凯撒“I came, I saw, I conquer“ 的节奏)4)____ "Most people who have played second violin all their lives never have an opportunity to 5)____ remarked Perkins. "Mrs Roosevelt had the chance to, and she 6)____ still reserved for the man of the House "The story is over," serve as a USdelegateto the United Nations. the role of women in American society and around the world. play first violin," plays withgenius." 请注意标点符号。 4 第一夫人的角色,无论多么英勇,对她来说只能算是小试身手。虽然她曾经凭借她在白宫的地位去四处游说,但是掌握大权的毕竟还是总统。此外,正如珀金斯说过的那样,“她也说了一些得罪人的话。”1945年,她丈夫去世之后,罗斯福夫人似乎已经准备要退隐,离开公众的视野。她对媒体说:“一切都结束了。”但那年的晚些时候,杜鲁门总统邀请埃莉诺出任美国驻联合国代表。她接受了使命,继续努力工作,并且永远改变了女性在美国和全世界所扮演的角色。“绝大多数一辈子当副手的人从来没有机会当一把手,”珀金斯说,“罗斯福夫人有机会当一把手,而且表现得极为出色。” 作为女性,我是欣赏她的;不知道男性什么态度。

    4Her role as First Lady,heroicthough it was, was only training. She had used her White House seat to lobbybut the power was 1)____. Besides, as Perkins once said, "She said things that made people angry." With her husband's death in 1945, Roosevelt seemed ready to return to a private life. 2)____ she told the press. Later that year PresidentTrumanasked Eleanor to 3)____She accepted the charge, moved on, and would change forever(有凯撒“I came, I saw, I conquer“ 的节奏)4)____ "Most people who have played second violin all their lives never have an opportunity to 5)____ remarked Perkins. "Mrs Roosevelt had the chance to, and she 6)____ still reserved for the man of the House "The story is over," serve as a USdelegateto the United Nations. the role of women in American society and around the world. play first violin," plays withgenius." 请注意标点符号。 4 第一夫人的角色,无论多么英勇,对她来说只能算是小试身手。虽然她曾经凭借她在白宫的地位去四处游说,但是掌握大权的毕竟还是总统。此外,正如珀金斯说过的那样,“她也说了一些得罪人的话。”1945年,她丈夫去世之后,罗斯福夫人似乎已经准备要退隐,离开公众的视野。她对媒体说:“一切都结束了。”但那年的晚些时候,杜鲁门总统邀请埃莉诺出任美国驻联合国代表。她接受了使命,继续努力工作,并且永远改变了女性在美国和全世界所扮演的角色。“绝大多数一辈子当副手的人从来没有机会当一把手,”珀金斯说,“罗斯福夫人有机会当一把手,而且表现得极为出色。” 作为女性,我是欣赏她的;不知道男性什么态度。

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