Mr.Smithis______ateacher.Heisalsoourgoodfriend. A: only B: morethan C: hardly D: lessthan
Mr.Smithis______ateacher.Heisalsoourgoodfriend. A: only B: morethan C: hardly D: lessthan
unit5 7 A: Morethan$630. B: About$805dollars. C: Morethan$613. D: About$850dollars.
unit5 7 A: Morethan$630. B: About$805dollars. C: Morethan$613. D: About$850dollars.
Mr.Smithis______ateacher.Heisalsoourgoodfriend. A: only B: morethan C: hardly D: lessthan
Mr.Smithis______ateacher.Heisalsoourgoodfriend. A: only B: morethan C: hardly D: lessthan
--Doyouneedanyhelp,Lucy? A: lessthan B: morethan C: nomorethan D: notmorethan
--Doyouneedanyhelp,Lucy? A: lessthan B: morethan C: nomorethan D: notmorethan
Ourbestoffer,at$300,is$95______therecommendedshopprice,whichis$395.() A: lessas B: morethan C: sothat D: lessthan
Ourbestoffer,at$300,is$95______therecommendedshopprice,whichis$395.() A: lessas B: morethan C: sothat D: lessthan
The activities available to people in rural areas are much morethan to_______ people in big cities. (limit)
The activities available to people in rural areas are much morethan to_______ people in big cities. (limit)
My hometown is a hundred mile _________ away from here. A: less than B: morethan C: or else D: or so
My hometown is a hundred mile _________ away from here. A: less than B: morethan C: or else D: or so
重点调查是非全面调查中最适于根据部分资料推算总体数值的方式方法。 ( )
重点调查是非全面调查中最适于根据部分资料推算总体数值的方式方法。 ( )
统计分组的对象是总体单位。 ( )
统计分组的对象是总体单位。 ( )