• 2022-06-03 问题

    What change was made to the ending scene of Men in Black II?( ). A: The terrorism is depicted in the form of fantasy. B: An airplane hijacking scene was cut. C: The shot of a team of flying saucers released from WTC was removed. D: The villain was not a terrorist.

    What change was made to the ending scene of Men in Black II?( ). A: The terrorism is depicted in the form of fantasy. B: An airplane hijacking scene was cut. C: The shot of a team of flying saucers released from WTC was removed. D: The villain was not a terrorist.

  • 2022-06-14 问题

    Decide which of the following best states the author's purpose of writing . A: To tell how people in the WTC managed to escape B: To describe what happened to the people of May Davis, a financial service firm. C: To illustrate some people's courge in helping others in a disaster.

    Decide which of the following best states the author's purpose of writing . A: To tell how people in the WTC managed to escape B: To describe what happened to the people of May Davis, a financial service firm. C: To illustrate some people's courge in helping others in a disaster.

  • 2022-05-25 问题

    已知在正常生产情况下某种汽车零件的质量服从正态分布[tex=5.5x1.571]wTc/OGhn4X319OmmJtz8wdKhM5Qlkm1dv2ovXrs/vCY=[/tex].在某日生产的零件中抽取 10 件,测得质量[tex=1.286x1.357]l57B9xxDoOk8RfK33GHiXg==[/tex]如下:[tex=27.786x1.357]tOuhNvizKyRZPn+XCdGxL3GD6hsRINTNrNPbcCpPTIbDTyDyQtxrU4n2dXA7zuLNwXZvvwUb9eLi9YLc7dG6J87OB/MT5ye+XoE/eGswWQSKPNS8SCMJ9FnYSH72hT30[/tex]如果标准差不变,该日生产的零件质量的均值是否有显著差异?(取显著性水平[tex=3.214x1.0]j0DyOD2xW8hNkLP53FtTIA==[/tex]).

    已知在正常生产情况下某种汽车零件的质量服从正态分布[tex=5.5x1.571]wTc/OGhn4X319OmmJtz8wdKhM5Qlkm1dv2ovXrs/vCY=[/tex].在某日生产的零件中抽取 10 件,测得质量[tex=1.286x1.357]l57B9xxDoOk8RfK33GHiXg==[/tex]如下:[tex=27.786x1.357]tOuhNvizKyRZPn+XCdGxL3GD6hsRINTNrNPbcCpPTIbDTyDyQtxrU4n2dXA7zuLNwXZvvwUb9eLi9YLc7dG6J87OB/MT5ye+XoE/eGswWQSKPNS8SCMJ9FnYSH72hT30[/tex]如果标准差不变,该日生产的零件质量的均值是否有显著差异?(取显著性水平[tex=3.214x1.0]j0DyOD2xW8hNkLP53FtTIA==[/tex]).

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