• 2022-05-30 问题

    在销售iPad产品时可以追加销售的产品? A: AppleCare+ B: ApplePencil C: AirPods蓝牙耳机 D: 门店外壳和保护膜 E: 以上都可以

    在销售iPad产品时可以追加销售的产品? A: AppleCare+ B: ApplePencil C: AirPods蓝牙耳机 D: 门店外壳和保护膜 E: 以上都可以

  • 2022-07-26 问题

    Which of the following headlines has a "to" that DOES NOT stand for future tense? A: Apple to sell AirPods Max over-the-ear headphones for $549 B: TikTok stars proved key in strategy to fight US ban C: Trump administration to ban TikTok and WeChat from US App Stores D: Gov't to watch stock market closely – premier

    Which of the following headlines has a "to" that DOES NOT stand for future tense? A: Apple to sell AirPods Max over-the-ear headphones for $549 B: TikTok stars proved key in strategy to fight US ban C: Trump administration to ban TikTok and WeChat from US App Stores D: Gov't to watch stock market closely – premier

  • 2022-07-27 问题

    华为FreeBuds3和苹果AirPods充电方面的功能,表述正确的是()。 A: 有线充电方面,FreeBuds3比苹果快50% B: 无线充电方面,FreeBuds3比苹果快50% C: 有线充电方面,FreeBuds3比苹果快100% D: 无线充电方面,FreeBuds3比苹果快100%

    华为FreeBuds3和苹果AirPods充电方面的功能,表述正确的是()。 A: 有线充电方面,FreeBuds3比苹果快50% B: 无线充电方面,FreeBuds3比苹果快50% C: 有线充电方面,FreeBuds3比苹果快100% D: 无线充电方面,FreeBuds3比苹果快100%

  • 2022-06-09 问题

    各类可穿戴设备都在争夺人们的应用场景,举例来说: A: 小米手环希望通过人们对健康的关注获得消费场景 B: 谷歌眼镜通过AR增强现实技术扩大信息流量入口 C: 苹果的Airpods为未来无手机时代做好准备 D: 扫脸自动售货机方便人们无现金出行

    各类可穿戴设备都在争夺人们的应用场景,举例来说: A: 小米手环希望通过人们对健康的关注获得消费场景 B: 谷歌眼镜通过AR增强现实技术扩大信息流量入口 C: 苹果的Airpods为未来无手机时代做好准备 D: 扫脸自动售货机方便人们无现金出行

  • 2022-06-26 问题

    各类可穿戴设备都在争夺人们的应用场景,举例来说: A: 谷歌眼镜通过AR增强现实技术扩大信息流量入口 B: 扫脸自动售货机方便人们无现金出行 C: 小米手环希望通过人们对健康的关注获得消费场景 D: 苹果的Airpods为未来无手机时代做好准备

    各类可穿戴设备都在争夺人们的应用场景,举例来说: A: 谷歌眼镜通过AR增强现实技术扩大信息流量入口 B: 扫脸自动售货机方便人们无现金出行 C: 小米手环希望通过人们对健康的关注获得消费场景 D: 苹果的Airpods为未来无手机时代做好准备

  • 2021-04-14 问题

    Nowadays in the United States, there are 1) _____ miles of pipeline, 170,000 gas stations and 243 million vehicles using petroleum fuels. Guy Nègre, the 2) _____ and CEO of Motor Development International, is hoping to change all that. He has invented a compressed air 3)____ for cars. The new invention is the AirPod. The AirPod is a small four-wheel 4) ____ that uses compressed air to move pistons. It uses a small motor to compress (压缩) outside air to keep the tank 5) ____. The small motor can not only operate on gasoline, diesel, vegetable oil, but also be 6) ____ into an electrical outlet for 7) ____. With the demand for inexpensive, 8.____, high-mileage vehicles that will not cause global warming, the AirPod is getting a lot of attention. Air France and KLM airlines will be using AirPods to transport passengers between arrival and departure gates at airports in Paris and Amsterdam beginning in 2009. Zero Pollution Motors 9)____ the rights for the U.S. market and expects to manufacture 8,000 vehicles a year in the United States beginning in 2011. Automaker, Tata Motors has purchased the manufacturing rights for India. 10)____ for other countries are currently in progress.

    Nowadays in the United States, there are 1) _____ miles of pipeline, 170,000 gas stations and 243 million vehicles using petroleum fuels. Guy Nègre, the 2) _____ and CEO of Motor Development International, is hoping to change all that. He has invented a compressed air 3)____ for cars. The new invention is the AirPod. The AirPod is a small four-wheel 4) ____ that uses compressed air to move pistons. It uses a small motor to compress (压缩) outside air to keep the tank 5) ____. The small motor can not only operate on gasoline, diesel, vegetable oil, but also be 6) ____ into an electrical outlet for 7) ____. With the demand for inexpensive, 8.____, high-mileage vehicles that will not cause global warming, the AirPod is getting a lot of attention. Air France and KLM airlines will be using AirPods to transport passengers between arrival and departure gates at airports in Paris and Amsterdam beginning in 2009. Zero Pollution Motors 9)____ the rights for the U.S. market and expects to manufacture 8,000 vehicles a year in the United States beginning in 2011. Automaker, Tata Motors has purchased the manufacturing rights for India. 10)____ for other countries are currently in progress.

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