• 2022-05-27 问题

    pro______ 项目 A: gram B: gran

    pro______ 项目 A: gram B: gran

  • 2022-06-03 问题

    What is the name of the best-selling video games for which Lang Lang has provided the soundtrack? A: Gran Turismo 6 B: Gran Turismo 5 C: Green Turismo 5 D: Green Turismo 6

    What is the name of the best-selling video games for which Lang Lang has provided the soundtrack? A: Gran Turismo 6 B: Gran Turismo 5 C: Green Turismo 5 D: Green Turismo 6

  • 2022-06-15 问题

    Su mayor deseo es ______ un gran profesor. A: ser B: siendo C: sido D: será

    Su mayor deseo es ______ un gran profesor. A: ser B: siendo C: sido D: será

  • 2022-06-09 问题

    SQI。语言中提供了哪些数据控制(自主存取控制)的语句—— A: SELEcT语句 B: GRAN"I’语句 C: ALTER语句 D: UPDATE语句

    SQI。语言中提供了哪些数据控制(自主存取控制)的语句—— A: SELEcT语句 B: GRAN"I’语句 C: ALTER语句 D: UPDATE语句

  • 2022-06-03 问题

    What has Lang Lang NOT done according to the passage? A: He has dubbed Kongfu Panda. B: He has performed at the Opening Ceremony of the Beijing Olympics in 2008. C: He has made recordings of Rachmaninoff. D: He has provided the soundtrack to Gran Turismo 5.

    What has Lang Lang NOT done according to the passage? A: He has dubbed Kongfu Panda. B: He has performed at the Opening Ceremony of the Beijing Olympics in 2008. C: He has made recordings of Rachmaninoff. D: He has provided the soundtrack to Gran Turismo 5.

  • 2021-04-14 问题

    位于西班牙帕尔马加那列岛屿中一个小岛上的加那利大型望远镜(Gran Telescopio Canarias,简称GTC)是目前世界上最大、最先进的地基光学和红外反射望远镜,其镜面直径为10.4米,是由36个重450公斤、厚度不超过( )cm(请填写阿拉伯数字)的六角形定制组件构成,安装需要精确至1毫米范围。

    位于西班牙帕尔马加那列岛屿中一个小岛上的加那利大型望远镜(Gran Telescopio Canarias,简称GTC)是目前世界上最大、最先进的地基光学和红外反射望远镜,其镜面直径为10.4米,是由36个重450公斤、厚度不超过( )cm(请填写阿拉伯数字)的六角形定制组件构成,安装需要精确至1毫米范围。

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