• 2022-05-30 问题

    A sales manager is making a presentation to a client. Who’s the receive A: A sales manage B: a client

    A sales manager is making a presentation to a client. Who’s the receive A: A sales manage B: a client

  • 2022-06-15 问题

    You're having a meal with a client in a restaurant. The waiter<br/>places a basket of bread on the table. You should _______. A: take a piece of bread and then offer the basket to the client. B: take a piece of bread and place it on the client’s plate. C: pass the basket of bread to the client first.

    You're having a meal with a client in a restaurant. The waiter<br/>places a basket of bread on the table. You should _______. A: take a piece of bread and then offer the basket to the client. B: take a piece of bread and place it on the client’s plate. C: pass the basket of bread to the client first.

  • 2022-06-07 问题

    How should you make a proper business introduction? A: Introduce the client to the company president first. B: Introduce the company president to the client. C: Provide the individual's name, but leave the introducing to them. D: Do nothing and let them introduce themselves.

    How should you make a proper business introduction? A: Introduce the client to the company president first. B: Introduce the company president to the client. C: Provide the individual's name, but leave the introducing to them. D: Do nothing and let them introduce themselves.

  • 2022-06-07 问题

    What new service do some designers now offer A: Giving your home a new look by making a new arrangement. B: Planning a major project for the client. C: Helping the client to spread out the actual purchases. D: Doing decorating with limited budgets.

    What new service do some designers now offer A: Giving your home a new look by making a new arrangement. B: Planning a major project for the client. C: Helping the client to spread out the actual purchases. D: Doing decorating with limited budgets.

  • 2022-06-04 问题

    a. Which of the following professional services is an attestation engagement? A: A consulting service engagement to provide computer-processing advice tax client. B: An engagement to report on compliance with statutory requirements. C: An income tax engagement to prepare federal and state tax returns. D: The preparation of financial statements from a client's financial records.

    a. Which of the following professional services is an attestation engagement? A: A consulting service engagement to provide computer-processing advice tax client. B: An engagement to report on compliance with statutory requirements. C: An income tax engagement to prepare federal and state tax returns. D: The preparation of financial statements from a client's financial records.

  • 2021-04-14 问题

    Listentothedialogueforthelasttimeandfillintheblanksaccordingtowhatyouhaveheard. Receptionist:Hello,sir.MayIhelpyou? Client:Yes,Iwouldlikeasingleroomwithbathjustforacoupleofnights. Receptionist:Haveyoumadeareservation? Client:Yes,Ihave.1__________________________. Receptionist:MayIhaveyourname,please? Client:Yes,2_______________________. Receptionist:Oh,yes,Mr.Johnson.Wehaveyourreservationhere.Wouldyou pleasefilloutthisregistrationcard? Client:Certainly. Receptionist:Yourroomnumberis235,onthesecondfloor.Hereisthekey toyourroom. Client:Thankyou.WhendoIpayfortheroom? Receptionist:3____________________________. Client:Bytheway,doesthepriceincludebreakfast? Receptionist:4_________________________________________. Client:Whereisthedininghall? Receptionist:5______________________________. Client:It’sverykindofyou.Thankyouagain. Receptionist:Youarewelcome.Enjoyyourselfandhaveapleasantstay.

    Listentothedialogueforthelasttimeandfillintheblanksaccordingtowhatyouhaveheard. Receptionist:Hello,sir.MayIhelpyou? Client:Yes,Iwouldlikeasingleroomwithbathjustforacoupleofnights. Receptionist:Haveyoumadeareservation? Client:Yes,Ihave.1__________________________. Receptionist:MayIhaveyourname,please? Client:Yes,2_______________________. Receptionist:Oh,yes,Mr.Johnson.Wehaveyourreservationhere.Wouldyou pleasefilloutthisregistrationcard? Client:Certainly. Receptionist:Yourroomnumberis235,onthesecondfloor.Hereisthekey toyourroom. Client:Thankyou.WhendoIpayfortheroom? Receptionist:3____________________________. Client:Bytheway,doesthepriceincludebreakfast? Receptionist:4_________________________________________. Client:Whereisthedininghall? Receptionist:5______________________________. Client:It’sverykindofyou.Thankyouagain. Receptionist:Youarewelcome.Enjoyyourselfandhaveapleasantstay.

  • 2022-05-30 问题

    I’m capable_______ handling the complaints of the client.( ) A: for B: to C: of

    I’m capable_______ handling the complaints of the client.( ) A: for B: to C: of

  • 2022-05-30 问题

    Personal life is not mentioned when you entertain a new client.

    Personal life is not mentioned when you entertain a new client.

  • 2022-06-07 问题

    Design a presentation that best fits the_________of your prospective client.

    Design a presentation that best fits the_________of your prospective client.

  • 2022-10-24 问题

    The most important feeling for the nurse to convey to the client in order for the client with personality disorder to accept the nurse is one of() A: Let client feel warm and being care B: Willingness to help C: Remorse for client D: No-nonsense demands with client

    The most important feeling for the nurse to convey to the client in order for the client with personality disorder to accept the nurse is one of() A: Let client feel warm and being care B: Willingness to help C: Remorse for client D: No-nonsense demands with client

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