要显示骨骼的轴向,需要执行命令Display/Transform Display/Local Rotation Axes
要显示骨骼的轴向,需要执行命令Display/Transform Display/Local Rotation Axes
下列哪个不是Transform的属性( ) A: rotation B: position C: eulerAngles D: scale
下列哪个不是Transform的属性( ) A: rotation B: position C: eulerAngles D: scale
使用Unity3D引擎编程过程中,Transform组件上表示旋转的是()。 A: Rotation B: Position C: Scale D: Local
使用Unity3D引擎编程过程中,Transform组件上表示旋转的是()。 A: Rotation B: Position C: Scale D: Local
使用Unity3D引擎过程中,Transform组件中可以使物体移动的方法是()。 A: Translate B: Rotate C: position D: rotation
使用Unity3D引擎过程中,Transform组件中可以使物体移动的方法是()。 A: Translate B: Rotate C: position D: rotation
连线弹出菜单里的Transform(变换)是控制哪些参数的? A: Position(位置) B: Rotation(旋转) C: Scale(缩放) D: Angle(角度)
连线弹出菜单里的Transform(变换)是控制哪些参数的? A: Position(位置) B: Rotation(旋转) C: Scale(缩放) D: Angle(角度)
The delayed value of rotation angle of the output shaft when the rotation of input shaft turns from positive to negative is . A:
The delayed value of rotation angle of the output shaft when the rotation of input shaft turns from positive to negative is . A:
A car uses a four-stroke engine. The four strokes are . A: intake, compression, power and exhaust B: injection, rotation, ignition and exhaust C: injection, carburetion, rotation and exhaust D: intake, rotation, injection and ignition
A car uses a four-stroke engine. The four strokes are . A: intake, compression, power and exhaust B: injection, rotation, ignition and exhaust C: injection, carburetion, rotation and exhaust D: intake, rotation, injection and ignition
The cantilever beam shown here is subjected to two equal and opposite couples,for the section B( ).[img=414x136]1803a25c3173b7f.jpg[/img] A: The deflection is zero, the angle of rotation is not zero B: The deflection is not zero, the angle of rotation is zero C: Deflection and angle of rotation are both not zero D: Both deflection and angle of rotation are both zero
The cantilever beam shown here is subjected to two equal and opposite couples,for the section B( ).[img=414x136]1803a25c3173b7f.jpg[/img] A: The deflection is zero, the angle of rotation is not zero B: The deflection is not zero, the angle of rotation is zero C: Deflection and angle of rotation are both not zero D: Both deflection and angle of rotation are both zero
在 Inspector 属性面板中的 Transform 变换组件的右上角的小齿轮菜单中,哪个菜单命令是重置该对象的位置信息的? A: Reset Position B: Reset Rotation C: Reset Scale D: Reset All
在 Inspector 属性面板中的 Transform 变换组件的右上角的小齿轮菜单中,哪个菜单命令是重置该对象的位置信息的? A: Reset Position B: Reset Rotation C: Reset Scale D: Reset All
From the anatomical position, turning the palm to face the body is an example of ____ A: medial rotation B: lateral rotation C: circumduction D: adduction
From the anatomical position, turning the palm to face the body is an example of ____ A: medial rotation B: lateral rotation C: circumduction D: adduction