• 2022-05-28 问题

    2. Deep and forceful pulse means ( ) A: Kidney yin deficiency B: Heart yang deficiency C: Excess illnesses in interior, with trapping of Qi and blood D: Liver yang ascending

    2. Deep and forceful pulse means ( ) A: Kidney yin deficiency B: Heart yang deficiency C: Excess illnesses in interior, with trapping of Qi and blood D: Liver yang ascending

  • 2022-06-05 问题

    外yin部外伤后最易发生血肿的部位是() A: yin阜 B: yin蒂 C: 大yin唇 D: 小yin唇 E: 会yin部

    外yin部外伤后最易发生血肿的部位是() A: yin阜 B: yin蒂 C: 大yin唇 D: 小yin唇 E: 会yin部

  • 2022-06-06 问题

    患者,19岁,骑自行车不慎跌倒伤及外yin部位,如出现外阴血肿最易发生在() A: 小yin唇 B: 会yin部 C: 大yin唇 D: yin阜部 E: 阴di部

    患者,19岁,骑自行车不慎跌倒伤及外yin部位,如出现外阴血肿最易发生在() A: 小yin唇 B: 会yin部 C: 大yin唇 D: yin阜部 E: 阴di部

  • 2022-06-12 问题

    According to the Yin-yang<br/>Theory,day belongs to yang and night belongs to ( ). A: yang B: yin within yang C: yang within yin D: none of above E: yin

    According to the Yin-yang<br/>Theory,day belongs to yang and night belongs to ( ). A: yang B: yin within yang C: yang within yin D: none of above E: yin

  • 2021-04-14 问题

    The male of all beasts and birds is ________ and the female __________. ? yin...; yin|yang...; yin|yin...; yang|yang...; yang

    The male of all beasts and birds is ________ and the female __________. ? yin...; yin|yang...; yin|yin...; yang|yang...; yang

  • 2022-06-05 问题

    14. One of the therapeutic principles in TCM is to treat heat syndrome with cold herbs, it is based on the A: Opposition and Restriction between Yin and Yang B: Mutual Transformation between Yin and Yang C: Mutual Dependence and Interaction between Yin and Yang D: Opposition and Restriction between Yin and Yang

    14. One of the therapeutic principles in TCM is to treat heat syndrome with cold herbs, it is based on the A: Opposition and Restriction between Yin and Yang B: Mutual Transformation between Yin and Yang C: Mutual Dependence and Interaction between Yin and Yang D: Opposition and Restriction between Yin and Yang

  • 2022-05-27 问题

    Each kind of Chinese food has its own characteristics of yin or yang. _______ foods are thin, cold and low in calories. _______ foods are rich, spicy, hot and high in calories. A: Yang; Yin B: Yin: Yang

    Each kind of Chinese food has its own characteristics of yin or yang. _______ foods are thin, cold and low in calories. _______ foods are rich, spicy, hot and high in calories. A: Yang; Yin B: Yin: Yang

  • 2022-06-18 问题

    A patient: Palpitation, amnesia, insomnia, dream-disturbed sleep,<br/>accompanied by a feverish sensation in palms, soles and the heart<br/>region, night sweats, dryness of the mouth, a red tongue with a<br/>little saliva and a thready, rapid pulse.Please Differentiate<br/>syndrome? A: Lung-qi<br/>deficiency syndrome B: Deficiency of Heart-yin syndrome C: Deficiency<br/>of Heart-blood syndrome D: Deficiency of Heart-yang syndrome E: Heat<br/>syndrome

    A patient: Palpitation, amnesia, insomnia, dream-disturbed sleep,<br/>accompanied by a feverish sensation in palms, soles and the heart<br/>region, night sweats, dryness of the mouth, a red tongue with a<br/>little saliva and a thready, rapid pulse.Please Differentiate<br/>syndrome? A: Lung-qi<br/>deficiency syndrome B: Deficiency of Heart-yin syndrome C: Deficiency<br/>of Heart-blood syndrome D: Deficiency of Heart-yang syndrome E: Heat<br/>syndrome

  • 2022-05-31 问题

    Richard I was called ( ). A: the cat heart B: the girl heart C: the Lion Heart D: the man heart

    Richard I was called ( ). A: the cat heart B: the girl heart C: the Lion Heart D: the man heart

  • 2022-06-12 问题

    Initially, ( ) refer to the light and darkness of the sunlight. A: yin or yang B: sunny and cloudy C: yin and yang D: Sun and moon

    Initially, ( ) refer to the light and darkness of the sunlight. A: yin or yang B: sunny and cloudy C: yin and yang D: Sun and moon

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