• 2022-05-30
  • 清真寺


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      Literally translation as “The Distant Mosque”, the Al-Aqsa Mosque is influenced by Byzantine Christian architecture and becomes the most famous Muslim site in Jerusalem. A: 正确 B: 错误

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      When visiting a mosque, a shawl is required for women. ( )

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      The destruction of the Mosque has______ anger throughout the muslim world.

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      The mosque of Marrakech in Morocco is known as the Kutubiyya, or Bookseller’s Mosque, after the adjacent market. The word “adjacent” in this sentence is closest in meaning to_____. A: major B: nearby C: ancient D: well-known

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      In what year was the Jami-Ul-Alfar Mosque completed? A: 1909 B: 1809 C: 1908 D: 1890