Translation means not only translating a language but also translating a certain culture.
- Which one in the following is NOT true about the relationship between culture and language? A: Language is deeply rooted in its culture and reflects the daily activities of the people in the culture. B: Language is not only a tool for communication, but also a means to reflect culture features of the people. C: Language is independent of culture. D: Language is a key component of the culture.
- The saying "language is the mirror of culture" means that language reflects culture.
- ______is not only a product of culture, but also a carrier of culture.
- 美国翻译理论家尤金•奈达说“Translation means translating the meaning”,是指翻译就是( )
- "Translating means translating the meaning"is proposed by who?( ) A: Eugene A.Nida B: Christiane Nord C: Peter Newmark D: Alexander F.Tytler