• 2022-05-29
    Which is not an activity of investment banks?
    A: Underwriting new issues of corporate stocks and bonds.
    B: Acting as deal-makers in mergers.
    C: Acting as intermediaries in the buying and selling of businesses or parts of businesses.
    D: Underwriting new issues of federal government bonds.
  • D


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      Which of the following is a difference between primary and secondary capital markets() A: Primary capital markets relate to the sale of new issues of bonds, preferred, and common stock, while secondary capital markets are where securities trade after their initial offering. B: Primary markets are where stocks trade while secondary- markets are where bonds trade. C: Both primary and secondary markets relate to where stocks and bonds trade after their initial offering.

    • 1

      Which of the following are NOT traded in a capital market? () A: government agency securities B: state and local government bonds C: repurchase agreements D: corporate bonds

    • 2

      Which of the following is the liability business of commercial Banks? A: issuance of large negotiable certificates of deposit B: cash on hand C: buying government bonds D: agent payment

    • 3

      One argument against businesses championing social responsibility issues is that businesses already have too much power.

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      (I) Prices of longer-maturity bonds respond more dramatically to changes in interest rates. (II) Prices and returns for long-term bonds are less volatile than those for short-term bonds.