A: Do as the Romans do
B: Do as the local people do
A: Do as the Romans do
B: Do as the local people do
- 大伯笑呵呵地对我说:“我们北方人都喜欢睡炕,你也将就点吧。俗话说:‘入乡随俗’嘛。”
- “Do in Rome as Romans do” means when we travel, we should________. A: do as the local people do according to their customs, traditions and culture B: behave as we like in a foreign place C: do as the tourist guide suggests D: do as we are in our hometown
- Do in Rome as the Romans do. A: 我想带你去罗马。 B: 入乡随俗。
- When in Rome, do ( ) the Romans do. 入乡随俗。 A: as B: is C: in D: ass
- What is the Chinese meaning of “When in Rome, do as the Romans do”?