• 2021-04-14
    The little problems _____ we meet in our daily lives may be inspirations for great inventions.
  • with which


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      We learn about our culture as we interact with other people while sharing daily life, but we do not necessarily think about the fact that we are living out our particular lives, bound by culture.译文:

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      Misunderstanding can cause serious problems so we should try our best to avoid misunderstanding in our daily life. Is that right? A: Yes B: No

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      Dr.Zunin believes that success in life is mainly decided by . A: our total honesty B: our self-confidence C: our interpersonal relationship with others D: the way we deal with our daily problems

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      A soap ________ is a popular television series about the daily lives and problems of a group of people.

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      智慧职教: It would be a great opportunity to meet you at the exhibition ______ we can introduce our products to you.