• 2022-06-09
    Our daily lives are flooded with advertisements. Very often we find ourselves enclosed by advertisements that lure us into spending.课文句子填空 Advertisements ______ our daily lives. We ____ constantly ___ the message to spend, spend, spend.
  • invadeare surrounded by


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      We are bombarded by numerous advertisements these days. But few of us are aware that many advertisements are _________.

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      Observing the lives of others helps us understand how we conduct our own lives.

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      We should live our daily lives with the goal of helping others and providing others _______ support and understanding.

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      The money people spend on advertisements is ______. A: wasted B: not much C: worthwhile D: no use

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      We learn about our culture as we interact with other people while sharing daily life, but we do not necessarily think about the fact that we are living out our particular lives, bound by culture.译文: