请阅读新闻段落,填出航天词汇的英文版。China's Long March-5B rocket to make maiden flight in 2020 Source: Xinhua| 2019-04-24 12:52:10|Editor: YurouBEIJING, April 24 (Xinhua) -- China's Long March-5B carrier rocket is scheduled to make its maiden flight in the first half of 2020, according to the China Manned Space Engineering Office (CMSEO).As a new generation of carrier rocket, the Long March-5B has the largest carrying capacity to low-Earth orbit. It will carry the core capsule and experiment capsules of China's space station.China's Tiangong Space Station is mainly comprised of Core Capsule, Experiment Capsule I and Experiment Capsule II, with the aim of building a reliable operating space station and providing long-term support for the onboard astronauts.The space station project will be implemented in three phases: key technology validation, construction and operation. Six flight missions, including the maiden flight of the Long March-5B rocket and launch of the test core capsule, have been scheduled in the first phase, and launches of experiment capsules in the second phase.中国长征5B运载火箭 _______________近地轨道________________中国天宫空间站____________________在空间站的宇航员 _________________飞行任务___________________
China's Long March-5B carrier rocket# low-Earth orbit# China's Tiangong Space Station# onboard astronauts# flight missions
- Space station module to be loftedChina plans to launch the core moduleof its manned space station in ________1________of 2021, a senior official said Friday. The core module will be sent by a Long March-5B Y2 rocket from the Wenchang Spacecraft Launch Site in Hainan province, said Zhou Jianping, ________2________of China's manned space program, at a handoverceremony for the return capsule of the Shenzhou-10 manned spacecraft in Shaoshan, Central China's Hunan province. "______3_______space missions include the launches of Tianzhou-2 cargo craft and Shenzhou-12 manned craft after the core module is __________4__________," Zhou said.Tests on the core module have been completed, and ________5_________is underway. China is scheduled to complete the construction of the space station around 2022. The construction project will be _______6_______in two phases. Six flight missions, including the launch of the core module, have been scheduled for the phase of key technology validation.Japan tightens entry banJapan on Saturday decided to ban the entry of most ________7________, except those from the Chinese mainland, Vietnam, Singapore and other regions that have managed to bring COVID-19 under control, from Dec 28 to the end of January, _________8_________a new variant ofthe novel coronavirus in arrivals from Britain.Chinese visitors can enter Japan without a nucleic acid _______9_________, and those with short-term non-business visas are required to complete a 14-day quarantine ________10________, Japan's Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare told CCTV, adding that visitors cannot take public transport after arriving in Japan.
- China is the world’s __________ country to independently develop and deploy manned space flight technology.
- Which of the following statement about China’s development in aerospace is NOT true? () A: China is the third<br/>country – out of 60 nations that engage in space programs –<br/>to independently send humans into space. B: The first manned<br/>docking in space with the Tiangong-2 space station has been realized C: China made a big<br/>breakthrough in space exploration at the beginning of the 21st<br/>century. D: Tiangong project<br/>is about sending human to the moon.
- Visitors can enter parts of the launch station and watch the______.( ) A: rocket launch, launch town, command center B: actual rocket launch, launch town, command center C: actual rocket launch, launch town, space station D: actual rocket launch, rocket, command center
- China became the world’s _____country to carry out an independent manned space mission? A: first B: fourth C: second D: third
- 0
China became the world’s _____country to carry out an independent manned space mission?
- 1
It's hard for us to know how much ____________ they have put in China's Space Program.
- 2
W: Air China has a flight on August 27th. Will that be OK, sirM: No, I’m afraid not. My sister is getting married on the 26th.W: How about Air China Flight 985 on the 25thM: Oh, that’s good. Which flight will the man take()。 A: Air China Flight 985 on the 26th. B: Air China Flight 985 on the 27th. C: Air China F1ight 985 on the 28th. D: Air China Flight 985 on the 25th.
- 3
The fair is __________ “China’s No.1 fair” because of its long history.
- 4
A Russian space capsule is orbiting the Earth. 此句中" capsule"的含义是: A: 胶囊 B: 压缩 C: 太空舱 D: 容器