• 2022-05-30
    A: subjterm(3304) and "TITLE-ABS-KEY"(learning)
    B: ①((education* or instructional) w/1 (technique or technology)) and ("class participation" or "classroom participation" or "student participation")
    ②1.((education* or instructional) w/1 (technique or technology)) and ((class* w/1 participation) or "student participation")
    C: 检索“白血病的诊断和治疗”可输入检索式为 leukemia and (diagnosis or therapy)
    D: (hig* w/3 (tech * or educat*)or part*) not ( pra* or class) w/9 marxism 检索式正确。
  • A,B,D


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      If an unemployed<br/>person quits looking for work, ceteris paribus, the unemployment rate<br/>() A: decreases, and<br/>the participation rate increases. B: decreases, and<br/>the participation rate decreases. C: stays the same,<br/>and the participation rate decreases. D: and the<br/>labor-force participation rate stay the same.

    • 1

      中国大学MOOC: 假设在某个检索系统中,(w)用于限定两个检索词相邻并且前后顺序不可颠倒,那么,computer和game这两个词只要都在文献中有出现,都是检索式“computer(w)game”的检索结果。

    • 2

      Scopus中检索结果一致的是 A: “learn play” B: learn w/0 play C: learn pre/0 play D: learn and play E: learn w/1 play

    • 3

      一组合电路有四个输入&#91;w3,w2,w1,w0&#93;=W及一个输出K,W为二数进位数字,其中w3为MSB&#91;最高位元&#93;﹔K=1若且为若W=&#91;w3,w2,w1,w0&#93;&#93;为5或7的倍数。下列叙述何者错误?() A: w=0,w=1,w=0,w=0时K=0 B: w=0,w=1,w=0,w=1时K=1 C: w=0,w=1,w=1,w=1时K=0 D: w=1,w=1,w=1,w=0时K=1

    • 4

      Transformation of lysogenicity ( ). A: Participation by R plasmid B: Mediated by sexual fimbriae C: Participation by potent bacteriophage D: Participation by mild bacteriophage